Course feedback

Blocks ::: block_coursefeedback
Maintained by Jan Eberhardt
This Block intends to give the system administrators a tool for forced evaluation of a course (or other facts). System administrators can define a set of textual questions, which can be rated from students.
Latest release:
143 sites
46 fans
Current versions available: 2

Responses are collected in course context and can be seen by trainers and non-editing trainers. Access to the questions and the results are given by a simple block. It differs the approach of pre-defined "Feedback" in that way, that a block can be made sticky and feedbacks are optinal for teachers (they may use it or not).

If you want to force the evaluation, you have to make this block sticky on each course page. See the github project page or README file for further instructions.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Jan Eberhardt (Lead maintainer)
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  • Jan Eberhardt
    śr., 14 gru 2016, 23:03
    I present a new feature in Version 2.1 - overall course ratings can be shown on the block now. :3
  • David Boggs
    pt., 23 gru 2016, 02:16
    Promising but restrictive, would have been better if the scale could be changed from the plug-in setting.
  • Jan Eberhardt
    pt., 23 gru 2016, 04:41
    Yeah... I know. When we made it it had to ready quick... And now it would be too much to Change that (if I would really go on this it should be much more than just a scaleable scale ;)
  • Taymour Shawky
    czw., 29 gru 2016, 16:31
    Hello, i just installed and added the block to the course, but im getting Surveys have been deactivated... Any Help!
  • Jan Eberhardt
    sob., 31 gru 2016, 20:49
    Seems, that you don't have permission to edit survey question. If you do, then at least an link to the settings would be shown. You can check, if you are able to edit surveys if you go to "site administration" -> "Plugins" -> "Blocks" -> "Course Feedback". Once you have created a survey and set it active the normal links will be shown.
  • Christian Dechler
    czw., 12 sty 2017, 23:51
    Hi guys, have a fast question: Is there a function, where I can reset the results (for every course specifically)?
  • Jan Eberhardt
    pt., 13 sty 2017, 00:18
    Hi Christian, there is currently no function to reset answers for a specific course. You can copy the survey in the admin settings in order to reset it for ALL courses. If you have access to the database, you could also delete all entries connected to the course/survey in the block_coursefeedback_answers table.
  • Christian Dechler
    pt., 13 sty 2017, 14:31
    Thank you for answering my question. Its a really cool tool! Do you think of implementing such reset-features?
  • Jan Eberhardt
    pt., 13 sty 2017, 19:01
    I'm not sure if this feature would fit into the concept of the plugin. It is a feedback plugin to force course-wide feedbacks, which can't be omitted by teachers. Why should admins want to reset the results of a single course?
  • Departament Edufis
    wt., 18 kwi 2017, 16:02
    Hi jan
    We have a problem with block course feedback.

    When exporting the data in * .csv only the 'odd' responses appear, the 'even' responses do not appear in the * .csv file
    It has a solution?

    An observation could change the scale 1-6; On a Likert scale of 1-5 or a Likert scale 1-7. They are the most used in ITC research.

    File *.csv
    Question Abstain 1 2 3 4 5 6

  • Danny Tilder
    pon., 23 paź 2017, 17:19
    Hi Jan,

    I agree on the observation if the previous post.
    We also prefer a Likert scale (1-5) above the six point scale.
    Or even better: a configurable scale.

    Is this in scope for a future release?



  • ScrumLab Agilead Studio
    pt., 4 maj 2018, 17:05
    Hi Jan,
    I installed this plugin for Moodle 3.4.2, but not display rating infomation (stars). Please, help me. Thanks.
  • Sheila Morgan
    wt., 3 lip 2018, 01:38
    Does this plugin work across the platform, to aggregate for all courses?
  • T Wagner
    pt., 8 mar 2019, 20:05
    Working with Moodle 3.6
    Two questions:
    1.) When trying to use the setsticky-option, the response is "error while writig into data base". What went wrong? I am doing this as administrator
    2.) Can I somehow sho the stars in the course overview list which lists all courses?
  • Bruno Henrique Cury
    wt., 15 cze 2021, 03:47
    Hi Jan,
    Very good your plugin, but can you help me as I enter the alternatives question?
    Thank you very much in advance
    Thank you very much
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