Configurable Reports

Blocks ::: block_configurable_reports
Maintained by Juan Leyva, Sara Arjona Téllez
This block is a Moodle custom reports builder. You can create custom reports without SQL knowledge. It's a tool suitable for admins or teachers.
Latest release:
13619 sites
437 fans
Current versions available: 6

This block is a Moodle custom reports builder.

You can create custom reports without SQL knowledge. It's a tool suitable for admins or teachers.

What type of reports can I create?

- Courses reports, with information regarding courses.

- Categories reports, with information regarding categories. A courses report can be embedded in this type of report.

- Users reports, with information regarding users and their activity in a course.

- Timeline reports, this is a special type of report that displays a timeline. A course or user report can be embedded in this timeline showing data depending on the start and end time of the current row.

- Custom SQL Reports, custom SQL queries. This block can use the same SQL queries that Tim Hunt's Custom SQL queries plugin.

Note for developers: You can create your own type of reports.

Who can view the reports?

When you create a report you can select which users can view it.
Links to reports are displayed in a block in the course or site frontpage.

Advanced features

Filters, pagination, logic conditions and permissions, plots, templates support, export to xls .

Request for new report types and plugins are welcome, please use the link "Bugs and issues" at the right.


Screenshot #0


Juan Leyva (Lead maintainer)
Sara Arjona Téllez: Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Madhu Avasarala
    hós., 21. nov. 2019, 04:13
    There is a problem with Moodle Site Admin menu on Moodle 3.8 with this plugin verion 3.7.0 (corresponding to MOODLE_36_STABLE branch on GitHub). Presumably, improper javascript isues caused by this plugin is preventing javascript of Moodle Core to be properly executed. Please see bug tracker:
  • Jonny Galvez
    týs., 26. nov. 2019, 22:59
    @Brandon Jimenez: we worked out that in fact the users that were being reported as started but not yet completed on activity 1, yet had completed activity 2 were due to restarting activity 1 to refresh their knowledge. The plugin in fact reads their last attempt, despite having already completed and this completion showing in the completion progress block and in the tickbox.

    This may be a useful aspect of the plugin that could be updated going forward to avoid confusion for anyone else.
  • Sara Arjona Téllez
    frí., 20. des. 2019, 18:40
    A new version of the plugin (3.8.0) has been released today and it should work with the most recent Moodle versions. Besides, a separate version (3.3.0) has been also released for 3.3 downwards, in order to fix

    Of course, there are still some remaining issues, but you can search and report and even work on them in the tracker ( or in the GitHub issues, as you prefer ( Any help will be appreciated and patches are always welcomen wink

    If you have any question, you can send it to the community forum: (in order to make it easier, please, avoid to send them duplicated to several places).
    And remember, if you're experiencing any issue, I would suggest to check if it has been reported previously in the tracker and, if not, create it smile

    Thanks in advance for your compresion and help! smile
  • Lyrics IN Backlinks
    týs., 24. des. 2019, 21:54
    Nice one
  • Martin Biermann
    mán., 30. des. 2019, 22:05
    The "Configurable reports" plugin is absolutely superbe. Sometimes a simple line of SQL can do wonders. I am currently running an e-course over 30 weeks. Each course week contains 3 - 4 quizes that need to be passed with at least 80 %. Then the week is passed in a binary fashion - either passed or not passed. Students have to pass all 30 days. I had trouble implementing this simple algorithm in standard Moodle. However, a relatively simple custom SQL query with the "Configurable Reports" plugin did the trick for me. To me, this was the ultimate proof of the supreme power of an open source learning management system.
  • Rick Jerz
    mán., 30. des. 2019, 22:45
    I too use and love Configurable Reports. I would probably say that the design of Moodle, which uses a great database and has a great database table structure, and that one who knows SQL can do almost anything they want to do, is what your comment suggests to me. Configurable Reports provides a very nice front end to the Moodle database, with many great features. SQL was developed by Codd back in the late 1960's. His concept was, and still is, great.
  • Rick Jerz
    mán., 30. des. 2019, 22:47
    I too use and love Configurable Reports. I would probably say that the design of Moodle, which uses a great database and has a great database table structure, and that one who knows SQL can do almost anything they want to do, is what your comment suggests to me. Configurable Reports provides a very nice front end to the Moodle database, with many great features. SQL was developed by Codd back in the late 1960's. His concept was, and still is, great.
  • Troy May
    týs., 14. jan. 2020, 05:05
    What doe it mean when you are configuring a report and it leads to a white blank page?
  • Miguel González Laredo
    týs., 14. jan. 2020, 17:04
    Hi, @Troy May. According to my experience, that error could be because of a wrong query result. This amazing plugin sometimes does not work properly if there is any problem with the dataset obtained from SQL.

    Have you tested your query out of Moodle (e.g. MySQL browser) and/or with different datasets?
  • Troy May
    týs., 14. jan. 2020, 22:27
    Thanks for your reply Miguel! It happens when I attempt to configure a report. For example, I choose to create a new Users Report. I choose 10 for Pagination, the Javascript ordering tick, the run from remote db, as well as export to csv. On the next page, I choose User statistics, then "logins in the platform". I name the column Col001, then hit Add. White screen of death anyone else? Another scenario is I choose to NOT run from remote db then on the next page choose only User course completion status. The screen immediately jumps to white blank before I can even hit Update. Please help.
  • Troy May
    týs., 14. jan. 2020, 22:31
    It would be REALLY great if someone just made a video of this plugin being installed-doing its thing-etc. Just please don't film it eating ice cream or running from the police. Thanks.
  • Sara Arjona Téllez
    mik., 15. jan. 2020, 15:39
    @Troy, I would suggest sending your question to the community forum (which is the best place to send this kind of questions):

    Besides, there, you'll be able to add some screenshots and more information wink TIA!
  • Troy May
    mik., 15. jan. 2020, 21:53
    Done, Sara. Thanks for the redirect. A video or two would be nice though.
  • Adam Shearman
    mik., 22. jan. 2020, 01:38
    Currently have JavaScript Ordering on a number of reports due to the quick sorting etc.
    Only issue is that this defaults to "Show 10 entries" when loading the report. Is there a way to configure this default number as we would rather it show 50 to start of with.
    Pagination does not look to be the setting to change this as the javascript sorting is then only applied to the page rather than total items.
  • Kashmira Nagwekar
    hós., 23. jan. 2020, 16:45
    Hey, I want to display configurable reports block in order to display some of the site stats without user login on site homepage. Can this be achieved?
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