Configurable Reports

Blocks ::: block_configurable_reports
Maintained by Juan Leyva, Sara Arjona Téllez
This block is a Moodle custom reports builder. You can create custom reports without SQL knowledge. It's a tool suitable for admins or teachers.
Latest release:
13619 sites
437 fans
Current versions available: 6

This block is a Moodle custom reports builder.

You can create custom reports without SQL knowledge. It's a tool suitable for admins or teachers.

What type of reports can I create?

- Courses reports, with information regarding courses.

- Categories reports, with information regarding categories. A courses report can be embedded in this type of report.

- Users reports, with information regarding users and their activity in a course.

- Timeline reports, this is a special type of report that displays a timeline. A course or user report can be embedded in this timeline showing data depending on the start and end time of the current row.

- Custom SQL Reports, custom SQL queries. This block can use the same SQL queries that Tim Hunt's Custom SQL queries plugin.

Note for developers: You can create your own type of reports.

Who can view the reports?

When you create a report you can select which users can view it.
Links to reports are displayed in a block in the course or site frontpage.

Advanced features

Filters, pagination, logic conditions and permissions, plots, templates support, export to xls .

Request for new report types and plugins are welcome, please use the link "Bugs and issues" at the right.


Screenshot #0


Juan Leyva (Lead maintainer)
Sara Arjona Téllez: Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Anis Jradah
    Tū, 24 Here 2021, 8:36 PM
    Kindly, will there be a new version for version 3.11?

    Thank you,
  • Francesc Fosch
    Mer, 27 Here 2021, 5:12 PM
    352 / 5000
    Resultats de traducció
    Hello there,
    Is it possible to display the results of a sql report in a user report?
    I have a user report with data about what has been done in the course.
    I have a sql report with the dates of the first and last access to the course.
    I need everything in a single report, but selecting "field from another report" does not show the sql report.
  • Stéphane Poinsart
    Mer, 3 Mahu 2021, 9:43 AM
    I could not remember where I had put the report I was looking for... So I created a report to list my other reports and I found it ata Better remember where I keep the meta-report now.

    By the way, this plugin is wonderful, good job !
  • Al
    Hor, 18 Mahu 2021, 9:20 PM
    Please can you update the version this supports to 3.11 so that it automatically installs during an update?
  • Haris Mateen
    Tū, 12 Nuku 2021, 10:47 PM
    Is there a way to see stats of new registration (daily)?
  • Al
    Tap, 24 Nuku 2021, 12:03 AM
    Hi, sorry to bother you again. Is there any chance you can change the version number that is supported to include 3.11 I have just updated moodle again and it has not installed your plugin during the upgrade as moodle thinks it will only work on versions up to 3.10. If you can change the version it supports to 3.11, the next time we update it, which we do most weeks, it will install automatically. Thank you.
  • Juan Leyva
    Par, 11 Rangi 2021, 1:28 AM
    Hi Alt, sorry for the late response, I included 3.11 among the supported versions
  • Federico Daniel Giménez Durand
    Mer, 12 Rangi 2021, 11:36 PM
    Hola Juan y Sara,
    Les consulto si este plugin es gratuito y si hay alguna versión paga. Además quería saber si se obtienen reportes analíticos sobre riesgo de deserción, cursos en riesgo de no comenzar, etc.
  • Miguel González Laredo
    Hor, 13 Rangi 2021, 12:42 AM
    Hola Federico. Este plugin es 100% gratuito y open source. Desgraciadamente sólo puedes usarlo para visualizar datos (descriptivos o previamente analizados por usted).
  • mentor
    Hin, 13 Haki 2021, 10:09 PM
    Hello. Is it possible to add export to PDF functionality to this excellent plugin?
  • Yosmarvi Araujo
    Hin, 28 Pou 2022, 11:01 PM
    Hello I have the same problem as Kristian Hargreaves when configuring a graph within the manage report block, the graph is not shown I am using moodle 3.10, is there a solution for it. Thanks
  • Paco Vela Roncero
    Par, 5 Hara 2022, 4:05 PM
    Muchas gracias por vuestro trabajo.

    ¿Tenéis pensado sacar versión para moodle 4?
    En moodle4 hay un reportbuilder, ¿cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Fabian Glagovsky
    Tap, 8 Hara 2022, 8:51 PM
    Hola, el plugin es excelente. Es compatible con Moodle 4.0? El custom report que viene ahora con Moodle 4.0 parece estar basado en este trabajo de ustedes, pero no viene con la posibilidad de escribir SQL queries que es fundamental. Gracias!
  • Richard Pardo
    Hin, 13 Pipi 2022, 4:06 PM
    Hi, It is planned to release an update of this Plugin for Moodle version 4.0.
  • tumer altas
    Apa, 21 Mahu 2022, 7:47 PM
    Hello Juan and Sara, hope you are well.
    I am using your plugin for almost 1 year and happy with it; however, I realized that it shows the post and view for users as 0 for almost all users; it gets the dedicated time correct, but view and posts return 0 value; when I check the users individually I can see their activities, but on the report they are 0. I had installed the plugin on moodle 3.11 and now I have upgraded to 4.0.4 but it is still the same. I set moodle statistics to be collected as "all" (not 3 or 6 months): I deleted and reinstalled the plugin, and also tried to increa the php limits like: max_input_time 6000, post_max_size 800M, memory_limit 1280M. I currently have 2300 users enrolled on moodle and I guess it is not a big number. So, do you have any idea why this is happening? I need correct statistics to provide universities with and I can't now. I would appreciate your support and be waiting for your response back. Thank you in advance.
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