Restriction by section completion

Availability restriction ::: availability_sectioncompleted
Maintained by Stefan Scholz, bdecent gmbh
Restrict resources, activities and sections based on other sections being completed
Latest release:
728 sites
32 fans
Current versions available: 1

Motivation for this plugin

This plugin was built to enable teachers to easily restrict activities or sections to students that have completed another, usually the previous section. This is currently already possible by adding several restrictions; this plugin simplifies that for the teacher – and has also the nice and intended side effect that it looks better for the student.


Install the plugin like any other plugin to folder /availability/condition/sectioncompleted

See for details on installing Moodle plugins

Usage & Settings

After installing the plugin, it is ready to use without the need for any configuration.

Teachers (and other users with editing rights) can add the "Section Completed" availability condition to activities / resources / sections in their courses. While adding the condition, they have to pick the section the student is required to complete before accessing the activity / resource / section.

If you want to learn more about using availability plugins in Moodle, please see

Try it out

You can see the plugin in action on our test site:

Potential privacy issues

None. The plugin does not store any personal data.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Stefan Scholz (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Randy Novion
    pátek, 13. května 2022, 16.44
    I have an issue with this plugin. I'm using Moodle 3.10.3. After successfully uploading the file to the drag file area and click the install plugin button, the Admin page is now shows a list of issue and non-issue system Moodle components. I cannot login to my Moodle as Admin anymore. The issue is that the UNICODE UTF-8 needs to be fix. I'm wondering how did that happen, the after hitting the install plugin. This was not an issue before adding the this "Restriction by section completion" plugin.
  • jose TERAN
    středa, 15. června 2022, 01.29
    Existe un error al visualizar las actividad "tarea" "Not implemented (do not call unless is_applied_to_user_lists is true)". Este problema es visible para el usuario tipo admin y/o profesor. Adjunto imagen en el link
    There is an error when displaying the "task" activities "Not implemented (do not call unless is_applied_to_user_lists is true)". This problem is visible to the admin and/or teacher type user. Attached image in the link
  • Stefan Scholz
    středa, 15. června 2022, 14.24
    Hi Jose,

    I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. “Task activities” do not exist in moodle, so you maybe actually mean assignments? Probably a translation issue I assume. Or do you use a custom plugin?

    Kindly create an issue in the plugins tracker (see link above), and provide steps to reproduce this issue in English and include the moodle version you use. If it relates to a third party plugin, please provide a link to it.

  • Cycle Touring in Portugal
    středa, 15. června 2022, 14.32
    Hey Stefan, I was wondering if you ever resolved the issues that myself and EPV Days brought up last summer in July? My courses are about to begin and if you did fix the issues, I'd like to try your plugin again.
  • jose TERAN
    středa, 15. června 2022, 23.00
    Hi Stefan; Excuse me, I don't speak English, I'll try to explain myself to the translator.

    Moodle: 4
    Plugin: "Availability_sectioncompleted"
    1. Create 2 Sections: Week 1 and Week 2, in Course x
    2. Restrict section: Week 2 - "Availability_sectioncompleted" Complete: week 1
    3. Create activities type "assignment" in the section: Week 2,
    4. "Save changes and Show" button
    5. This error is displayed:
  • Darrel Tenter
    úterý, 10. ledna 2023, 08.03
    HI Stefan. Thank you for contributing this plugin. I can see so many ways it can be used.

    Do you have plans for showing Sections as completable items in the Completion Progress block? I don't know if this is even possible. But I can envision the block with the Sections listed in it rather than the activities.
  • Stefan Scholz
    pondělí, 16. ledna 2023, 16.57
    Hi Derrel,

    I suggest asking the developer of the block (Jonathon Fowler). We think that it is a good idea that the section has a completion state. That's why we built both this restriction as well as incorporated it into some of our other plugins. Designer (course format) does for example display the progress of a section. And the upcoming widget (Course enrolments) for Dash (a block) also features course progress via sections.

    Hope this helps
  • Clovis Tristao
    sobota, 4. února 2023, 00.48
    Hi Stefan,

    When will the plugin be updated again, because on the Moodle website it says that it has not been updated for more than 20 months.
  • Jorge Cruz
    pátek, 17. února 2023, 22.50
    Hello! Are there any plans to update the plugin and certify its compatibility with Moodle 4.1? This is a very good plugin, with several pedagogical possibilities. However, at my institution, it is a rule not to use plugins with a long time without updates (21 months in this case).
  • Stephany Méndez
    sobota, 17. června 2023, 03.13
    "tarea" "Not implemented (do not call unless is_applied_to_user_lists is true)"
    I commented out the 'function is_applied_to_user_lists()' in condition.php and apparently the error with users who have editing permissions disappeared. However, further testing needs to be conducted to ensure there are no subsequent complications.
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch
    pondělí, 6. listopadu 2023, 17.00
    Is it compatible with Moodle 4.3?
  • Sergio Luciano
    středa, 20. prosince 2023, 23.32
    Is the plugin compatible with Moodle 4.3? I'm looking at the code and it seems moodle 4.3 changed something in the information of completion, and it is not working anymore in 4.3

    Anyone can help?
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch
    neděle, 7. ledna 2024, 22.10
    It doesn't work on my Moodle 4.3. What a disappointment to have to redo the restrictions in 8 courses!!!
  • Stefan Scholz
    neděle, 7. ledna 2024, 22.44
    Hi Nellie, we're working on a compatible version with 4.3 Sorry that it's probably to late for you! Best, Stefan
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