Outage manager

Authentication ::: auth_outage
Maintained by Catalyst IT, Brendan Heywood
A plugin to manage outage periods, such as scheduled maintenance, including CLI tools to embed in your scripting.
Latest release:
545 sites
40 fans
Current versions available: 3

This is a Moodle plugin which makes the student experience of planned outages nicer, and provides extra tools for administrators and testers that help before and after the outage window.

The main idea is that instead of an outage being a very boolean on/off situation, this plugin creates the concept of graduated outages where at predefined times before an outage and after, different levels of warning and access can be provided to students and testers letting them know what is about to happen and why.

If you need support for Moodle 2.x ...

... you can still use this plugin but you will need to manually set up an additional local plugin contained, for more information please refer to: https://github.com/catalyst/moodle-local_outage


Screenshot #0


Catalyst IT (Lead maintainer)
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  • Daniel Thee Roperto
    երք, 25 հոկ 2016, 12:13 PM
    Hi David,

    Can you please transfer the Lead Maintainer to 'Catalyst IT': https://moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=2153863

  • Jeff White
    ուր, 28 հոկ 2016, 2:42 AM
    Hi there. Great plugin but there seems to be a few small issues. Admins cannot log onto Moodle when maintenance mode starts. This other one may be a configuration problem with my server if my website does and then I am redirected to the manage.php file within the plugin then i am sent to
  • Daniel Thee Roperto
    ուր, 28 հոկ 2016, 6:39 AM
    Hi Jeff,

    Can you provide a little but more information so I can reproduce the problem?

    I understand that your $CFG->wwwroot is '' but the redirection goes to -- which gives you a NOT FOUND -- is that correct?

    If not, are you using the outage autostart mode? If you are using autostart mode Moodle will not be accessible anymore until you manually finish the maintenance mode.

    If you have a GitHub account you can open an issue in our repository at:


  • Jeff White
    շբթ, 29 հոկ 2016, 3:03 AM
    Hi Daniel, That is correct I get a not found message.
    I will need to doublecheck the autostart mode part but basically admins could not even log onto the moodle instance. If that is intentional, how does an admin do any work within the GUI while in maintenance mode? I will really need to get back into github as your not the first person that has asked me to open an issue there. I will try to make time this weekend and report the info.
  • cwadmin 1
    չրք, 9 նոյ 2016, 7:04 PM

    I also found that the plugin locks admins out of the site during the outage. This meant there was no way for admins to work in Moodle behind maintenance mode or to disable maintenance mode. I restored access by changing the "auth" database setting in the mdl_config table from "outage" to "manual".

    May only affect our site/theme, but also noticed that during the warning period the top-bar (i.e. with "My Courses", profile menu etc) didn't display. We're running Essential theme & latest version of Moodle.

    The plugin concept is great, but these two issues mean we can't use it yet.

    Happy to provide any details that would be helpful in resolving the two issues, just let me know. I used autostart for the outage.

  • Brendan Heywood
    հնգ, 10 նոյ 2016, 6:06 AM
    hi cwadmin,

    The core moodle cli maintenance mode locks everyone out, this isn't something we can, or would, change. However we are working on a new feature to be released soon which lets testers from certain ip ranges in during the shoulder of the outage period but while strict maintenance mode is no longer on. The typical use case being you start the outage, then enter cli maint mode, do the upgrade, turn off maint mode, at which point the testers can do their work while the students still see the outage message, then when the testers are happy the outage is finished and everyone can see moodle again.

    Also re the header of your theme not appearing, there is also a new config setting shortly to be released allowing css tweaks to adapt to any theme. The default css works in the default moodle bootstrap theme.

  • Daniel Thee Roperto
    երկ, 5 մրտ 2018, 7:16 AM
    Hi German,

    I created the issue https://github.com/catalyst/moodle-auth_outage/issues/127 so we can perform some testing before marking it compatible with newer Moodles. It seems like our testing goes up to Moodle 3.3 but I need to confirm that.

    Thank you for the information

  • Blair F.
    շբթ, 16 հնս 2018, 1:10 AM
    I just found this and installed it on our 3.2 test sever. The Outage Manager settings page is completely blank. /admin/settings.php?section=authsettingoutage
  • Morgan Murphy
    հնգ, 4 հլս 2019, 5:18 AM
    We just implemented this plugin in our Moodle 3.7+ (Build: 20190628) install. The only customization we have implemented is changing the messageoutageongoing language string to better reflect our standards.
    The plugin functions well except for the following:
    Using the standard Boost or Classic themes in 3.7+ the Outage banner is not responsive. Specifically, the Outage Info link is pushed outside the bounds of the outage banner.
  • Morgan Murphy
    հնգ, 4 հլս 2019, 6:28 AM
    Another issue we have found using the standard Boost or Classic themes is that at the course level, the top of the main div id=page is covered by the outage banner. This prevents access to clicking the gear icon to edit course settings. We are currently working around this issue with keyboard navigation, but as one of our main uses for this outage plugin is to make course level changes, this is a cumbersome solution.
  • Brendan Heywood
    շբթ, 13 հլս 2019, 5:14 PM
    hi Morgan, every theme is slightly different and uses different markup and css so we cannot do a 1 size fits all and get it right across the board. This is why plugin comes with an admin option to override the css of the banner layout and how much it pushes down the rest of the page. Search for a setting called 'defaultlayoutcss'
  • Craig Severn
    հնգ, 25 մրտ 2021, 11:34 PM
    We have really found this plugin very useful and have been using it on various versions of Moodle with success for some time now, the last being 3.9.1+. However, we recently upgraded to 3.10.1+ and the banner will not disappear at all, even if there are no scheduled outages or if the plugin is uninstalled. Wondered if anyone might have experienced something similar? Wondered if there is something else we need to amend following the uninstallation. Any ideas or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
  • Wynand Louw
    չրք, 21 դեկ 2022, 10:51 PM
    Is this plugin 4.1 ready?
  • Ken Stokes
    շբթ, 31 դեկ 2022, 5:15 AM
    Also requesting, is this plug in 4.1 ready?
  • Wynand Louw
    շբթ, 31 դեկ 2022, 8:50 PM
    Moodle 4 gives the following error:

    Exception - Unsupported operand types: array + string

    When will this be ready or should I rather uninstall it?
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