
Authentication ::: auth_linkedin
Maintained by Bas Brands
Part of set Linkedin.
This is the authentication part of the LinkedIn auth plugin. A Linkedin Block provides the user interface for this plugin

LinkedinAuth 2 (Build: 2013101100)

Released: srijeda, 11. septembar 2013., 15:54
Linkedin Moodle Authentication

Author: Bas Brands
Funded by: BrightAlley, Sonsbeekmedia.

- Updates

September 11th 2013: Uses the events trigger system to notify a new user was created or a user was updated
August 21st 2013: This plugin now retreives the user email addresses from LinkedIn.

- About this plugin:

This authentication plugin has been created based on the code written by: using code published here:

Using Moodle OAuth examples by Jerome Mouneyrac:

The latest versions of these plugins can be downloaded from GitHub:

- Plugin Requirements

A Linked in Account
A Linked in integration Key / Secret
The Linkedin Block

- How it works (user)

* Click login with linked in
* Authorize Moodle to get your profile info
* You are now logged in

- Install the LinkedIn auth plugin

1. Add the auth plugin to /auth/linkedin
2. In Moodle go to the plugins page for authentication and enable linkedin.
3. visit and click Add New Application.
4. Enter your Moodle website details, most important field: Integration URL, use the wwwroot of your Moodle installation.
5. Check the boxes 'r_basicprofile', 'r_fullprofile' and 'r_emailaddress'.
5. Copy your key / secret to the LinkedIn authentication plugin settings page in Moodle.

- Install the LinkedIn block

1. Install the linkedin block.
2. Go to the Siteadmin -> notifications to install the block.
3. Add the block to the moodle frontpage.

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
2 (Build: 2013101100)
Can be updated from
1.0 (Build: 2012010900) (2012010900), 1.0 (Build: 2012010900) (2012031500), 1.0 (Build: 2012050200) (2012050200), 1.1 (Build: 2012071600) (2012071600), 1.1 (Build: 2012071600) (2012091800), 2 (Build: 2013082100) (2013082100)
Stabilna verzija
MD5 Sum

    Version control information

    Version control system (VCS)
    VCS repository URL

    Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Authentication

    1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
    2. Download and unpack the module.
    3. Place the folder (eg "myauth") in the "auth" subdirectory.
    4. Visit to finish the installation