RecordRTC for Atto

Atto ::: atto_recordrtc
Maintained by Jesus Federico
Part of set RecordRTC.
Add audio and video annotations to text, anywhere an Atto text editor is present. This plugin adds buttons for recording audio or video (with audio) to the editor's toolbar. Using WebRTC technologies, all recording is done instantly in the browser. After recording, users can embed the annotation directly into the text they are currently editing. The recording will appear as an audio or video player in the published writing.
Latest release:
25 sites
26 fans
Current versions available: 1


Add audio and video annotations to text, anywhere an Atto text editor is present. This plugin adds buttons for recording audio or video (with audio) to the editor's toolbar. 

Using WebRTC technologies, all recording is done instantly in the browser. After recording, users can embed the annotation directly into the text they are currently editing. The recording will appear as an audio or video player in the published writing.


There are several ways to install the plugin/ We describe here the easiest and more reliable one which is through Moodle plugin directory. Two more methods are described in the wiki page installation section.

  • Logged in as administrator into your Moodle server, go to [Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins]
  • Click on [Install plugins from the Moodle plugins directory]
  • Search for RecordRTC and choose the one you are looking for. There is an atto_recordrtc and a tinymce_recordrtc plugin.
  • Click on [Install now] and look up for your Moodle site in the list.
  • Click on [Install now] and follow the steps.

After the installation starts, just follow the steps. The plugin will work with the defaults, but you may want to go back and change them depending of your requirements. Details about the configuration can also be found in the wiki page configuration section.


To use the plugin, just click on one of the recording buttons (either the microphone or the video camera), and a popup will appear with a big "Start Recording" button. When clicked, the browser will probably ask for permission to use the webcam/microphone.

Recording buttons

After the recording starts, a timer will begin counting down, indicating how much time is left to record; when the timer hits 0, the recording will automatically stop (this will also happen if approaching the maximum upload size determined in the server settings).

Recording started

When the recording is finished, the user can play it back to see/hear if it is what they want.

To embed the file, the user must click "Attach Recording as Annotation". A dialog box will pop up asking the user what the link should appear as in the text editor.

Name the annotation

After that, the file gets embedded right where the cursor was in the text.

Annotation in editor


The plugin can be configured during the initial install, and later by navigating to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Atto HTML editor > RecordRTC. The administrator can:

  • Allow the users to record only audio, only video, or both (changing the buttons that appear in the editor toolbar)
  • Change the target bitrate of recorded audio
  • Change the target bitrate of recorded video
  • Set the recording time limit, to control maximum recording size

Troubleshooting, Known Issues and F.A.Q

More extensive documentation can be found in the wiki page


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Jesus Federico (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Jeremy Schweitzer
    Sel, 27 Feb 2018, 06:12
    Jesus, like several other users I have several people asking if they could use this in the Assignment feedback areas. I'm pretty sure the limitation is that the file system API isn't implemented in the gradebook and that's where the feedback is stored (and the tracker item for that was marked closed - won't fix). I think that's why things like Poodll have been implemented as the assignment feedback plugin type. Any chance you would explore that?
  • Jesus Federico
    Sel, 27 Feb 2018, 06:55
    Hi Jeremy,
    Indeed, we may. Although I am personally not a fan of doing things in the hacky way. Not for this plugin anyways.
    We just came back from the MootCA18. There is some interest on this topic and can bee seen here

    The only thing I can promise right now is to put this on the table again in a few weeks in the MootIEUK18. Also, the goal right now is to keep it as simple as possible and for that to happen, the less plugins the better. Believe me, it is not a trivial effort to keep them all updated senyum.
  • C’est moi (il y a quelques années) :-)
    Kam, 31 Mei 2018, 20:33
    Hi Jesus,
    Would it be possible to have somewhere (in the docs page ?) a clear indication of minimal browser versions (by browser) supporting it?
    Because some institution keep using old browser versions, to be compatible with older applications/programs.
    It seems it doesn't work with Firefox 45.9.0, nor IE 11.0.96. It works OK with Firefox 60.
    But i'd like to know the minimal Firefox version (and same for other browser) to have it work well, so that we can investigate and see which browser to upgrade, to which version...
  • Michael Zwahlen
    Jum, 8 Jun 2018, 22:26
    Dear Jesus
    I read your message from Mi, 13. Sep 2017, 21:53, Is it right, that the plugin is still not working on annotating comments? Now, when your Plugin is standard in Moodle 3.5, this would be sooo nice to have as a real game-changer! Please, let us know about your : "We'll keep an eye on that one" berkedip
  • aykut ozkaya
    Sel, 17 Jul 2018, 20:07
    Hi There
    The Plugin currently is not supported in Mac OS . Is there any plans to create another alternative for mac user?
  • James Sick
    Sen, 6 Agu 2018, 13:41
    Dear Jesus or other users,
    Thank you for your work on this plugin. I am trying to install it on Moodle 2.9, Atto toolbar. I have a live version of Moodle and a local based test site using MAMP on Mac OS 10.13. It worked briefly on the local version. but now I cannot get the buttons to appear in the Atto toolbar on either live or local instals (Plugins/text editor/Atto HTML Editors/toolbar configuration). I'm pretty sure I've set the configuration is as it should be. Any ideas? Is it true it won't work with Mac OS?
  • Wazza
    Kam, 30 Agu 2018, 19:24
    Jesus, thanks for your plugin. You wrote one year ago:

    'Regarding to the ability to annotate comments, again this is a Moodle issue. My understanding is that for security reasons it is not possible to annotate external media files there. The buttons were originally there but not working so we decided to remove them to be consistent with what Moodle has for that use case. We'll keep an eye on that one too'

    Any updates on this? I have noticed that Poodll does allow for audio and video feedback. We discontinued Poodll because now we have RecordRTC. But we just found out that RecordRTC doesn't have the ability to give audio or video feedback, where Poodll did.

    Any chances that you can put the buttons back and get this fixed? For us the most important place to use RecordRTC *is* the feedback...
  • Yuka Kataoka
    Sel, 2 Okt 2018, 15:53
    Thank you for creating such a great plugin. I'm wondering how I can download all submitted audio with the link, user ID and quiz number at once. It would be very helpful if you have an idea.
  • Cristián Rizzi Iribarren
    Sen, 27 Apr 2020, 11:02
    Hi! I need URGENT help!! I have Moodle 3.7+ and I didn't know that I already had RecordRTC plugin installed and when I installed this version by dragging the zip file, Moodle gave me an error message that it couldn't installed it because a previous version already exists, but then, I'm stuck into the same "Plugins check" warning page and no matter what I do (logout, login again, etc.) I'm not able to do anything, I always get again this page. If I click on "Upgrade Moodle database now", I get the following detail:
    Cannot downgrade atto_recordrtc from 2019052000 to 2017080104.
    Debug info:
    Error code: cannotdowngrade
    Stack trace:
    line 672 of /lib/upgradelib.php: downgrade_exception thrown
    line 1869 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
    line 694 of /admin/index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()

    What can I do??? I'm not longer able to use my Admin Moodle account!! I only have access to the experimental tools at admin/tool/xmldb/ that allow me to edit my files on the server.
    Any recommendations?? I'm so desperate.... Thanks a ton.
  • Expo Mercado Publico 2018 CHILE
    Sel, 5 Mei 2020, 06:20
    hola ....tengo este problema al tratar de instalar ya plugins en mi servidor...
    y no me deja hacer puedo avanzar a la pagina de inicio....que debo hacer...necesito ayuda urgente por favor...

    hello .... i have this problem when trying to install plugins on my server ...
    and it won't let me do anything ... I can't go to the home page .... what should I do ... I need urgent help please ...

    Esta página muestra los plugins que pueden requerir su atención durante la actualización, como por ejemplo los plugins nuevos a instalarse, plugins para actualizar, plugins faltantes, etc. Los plugins adicionales son mostrados si hubiera una actualización disponible para ellos. Se recomienda que Usted revise si hay versiones más reciente disponibles de plugins, y que actualice sus códigos fuentes antes de continuar con esta actualización de Moodle.

    La última revisión se hizo el 4 de mayo de 2020, 15:48
    Plugins que requieren su atención 1Todos los plugins 451
    Nombre del plugin / Directorio Versión actual Nueva versión Requiere Origen / Estatus
    Editor Atto HTML / Plugins Atto
    RecordRTC (GrabarRTC)
    2019111800 2017080104
    Moodle 2015051100
    Estándar Una versión mayor ya está instalada"

  • Dylan Lewis
    Sab, 6 Feb 2021, 06:45
    This is a great plugin and works well with Chromebooks and desktop PCs alike. Is there a way we can change the default recording format? We have recently found that iPhones are now supporting this type of recording. The recording does save, but there's no way to hear or see the playback. We know the recording works as we have viewed the submission on a desktop PC, however when the same recording is played on the iPhone it sits there and does nothing.
  • Jon
    Rab, 17 Mar 2021, 05:20
    Is there a way to create mp3 files with the audio recordings instead of ogg? Those ogg files do not play on iOS or Macs using Safari.
  • Casey Craigie
    Rab, 21 Apr 2021, 03:43
    An option for users to download the audio/video in MP3/MP4 format would be extremely helpful!

  • 直彦 山口
    Sel, 21 Nov 2023, 10:39
    Thank you for your making useful plugin. I'm Naohiko Yamaguchi, staff of IPUT(International Professional University of Technology in Tokyo).

    I'd like to add new setting in this plugin.
    In our school, we use this plugin to upload speech voice for English learning classes.
    I want to setup different upper limit time of recording in each question for control students speech speed.
  • John Love
    Jum, 26 Jul 2024, 03:24
    We're running Moodle 4.1.7, and in recent months we've had faults where no audio is being saved by any browser on any platform. (I'm familiar with the incompatibility with iOS, but this is different.)
    Has anyone else experienced this?
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