Components for Learning (C4L)

Atto ::: atto_c4l
Maintained by Roger Segú
A collection of visual components designed explicitly for Learning to use in the Atto editor.
Latest release:
1222 sites
47 fans
Current versions available: 1

A plugin for the Atto editor that provides a collection of visual components designed explicitly for Learning, based on the parent project

Plugin demo screenshot

You can find a more detailed description of the project on its website, You will find there the related documentation (, and some general usage recommendations for all components included there.

No configuration settings are required for this plugin. Just install it from the Site Administration area (Plugins → Install plugins → Install plugin from ZIP file). 

Once the plugin is installed, you will need to make the button visible in the Atto editor. To do so, also in the Site Administration area, go to Plugins → Text Editors → Atto HTML editor. Then scroll down to the Toolbar config area, and add the text 'c4l' whenever you wish the editor bar to show the button. For instance, if you want the button to show before the 'emojipicker' button, just insert it like that:

files = c4l, emojipicker, image, media, recordrtc, managefiles, h5p

Screenshot showing how to add the button to the Atto menu.

This plugin has been possible thanks to the Institut Obert de Catalunya, which has committed to the project and is currently using a very similar version of the components. A big thank you to all the teachers that accompanied me all over the design and testing process.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Roger Segú (Lead maintainer)
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  • Gillian Delvigne
    Tū, 15 Pou 2022, 5:06 PM
    Thank you for your quick and kind reply.
    That's what I'm going to do. But before that, I wanted to be sure that there wasn't a way to do it that was provided by the plugin.
  • Roger Segú
    Hin, 21 Pou 2022, 5:16 PM
    Thanks, Gillian! I hope it works fine for you smile
  • Tim Brouckaert
    Apa, 14 Haki 2022, 4:28 AM
    Since Moodle 4.1 TinyMCE 6 comes back as an editor, from 4.2 and up, it will be the default and Atto will be removed. Any chance this will also be migrated to TinyMCE?
  • Roger Segú
    Apa, 14 Haki 2022, 5:25 PM
    Hi Tim,
    Thanks for showing interest in the plugin. There is actually a TinyMCE version waiting to be approved by Moodle. Once it's done, it will be automatically added to the official plugins directory. I hope it doesn't take long.
  • Roger Segú
    Apa, 14 Haki 2022, 6:08 PM
    Also, just in case you wish to help give the approval process momentum, you can do that by clicking on 'Vote for this issue' in the Moodle Tracker's ticket, here's the link:

  • Tim Brouckaert
    Apa, 14 Haki 2022, 6:10 PM
    Done! Thanks for your work!
  • Roger Segú
    Apa, 14 Haki 2022, 6:21 PM
    Great! thank you very much for your support, Tim!
  • Nico Hang
    Apa, 26 Pae 2023, 1:34 PM
    Thank you for this Plugin! The Block "Learning Outcomes" ( is not avaiable in this version, will it be added sometimes? This would be great smile
  • Roger Segú
    Apa, 26 Pae 2023, 4:37 PM
    Thanks, Nico! Sure, I count on adding the "Learning Outcomes" component to this plugin version very soon smile Please keep tuned!
  • Claudio Visa
    Tap, 14 Hara 2023, 2:45 PM
    como hago para cargar las plantillas
  • Roger Segú
    Tap, 14 Hara 2023, 6:37 PM
    Hola Claudio, a qué plantillas te refieres?
  • Tim Boniface
    Mer, 12 Pae 2024, 1:41 PM
    What's the ETA on updating atto version to version 2.1.0 in line with the TinyMCE plugin?
  • Ольга Федорова
    Apa, 8 Hara 2024, 12:23 AM
    We are really looking forward to the plugin for moodle 4.3 smile
  • Federico Sperling
    Hin, 23 Haki 2024, 10:04 PM
    Hi @Roger and all,
    I want to customize the colors of the quote and other components, how can I do that?i
    For example the left line and the " is light blue and I need converted to an specific red that we are using in our school, how can I do it?
  • Roger Segú
    Tap, 29 Haki 2024, 4:15 PM
    Hi Federico,
    It’s a bit complicated to modify the styles, as the original idea was to save the teacher the task of visual design (although I completely understand that in certain contexts, it may be necessary or desirable).
    There’s a part you can modify from the CSS (Site administration → Appearance → Additional HTML → Within HEAD). For example, in the case of the Quote component, if you want the color of the sidebar to be green, you should add the following CSS:

    .c4l-quote .c4l-quote-line, .c4lv-quote .c4l-quote-line {
    border-left-color: #4CAF50;

    However, the quotation icons are actually images (SVG), so you will need to modify them via code within the plugin folders:


    In this case, in order to change the color of the icon c4l_quote_icon.svg and assign it the new color, you'll need to look for all occurrences of the text fill="#1679F9" in the file and replace it with fill="#4CAF50" (or the new color you’ve chosen).

    Naturally, since you’re modifying the original files, when you update the plugin you’ll need to be careful not to overwrite these changes, or otherwise adding them again.

    Another option would be to use the functionality to create your own custom components, although this is only available for the TinyMCE version:
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