Grade reviews

Assignment submissions ::: assignsubmission_gradereviews
Maintained by Gareth J BarnardGareth J Barnard, Jérôme Mouneyrac, Ken Farrimond
Similar to the submission comments but with permission support to allow certain users to see/delete comments, this plugin facilitates grade review (second marker comments). The main use case is to allow one teacher to review the grading done by another tutor and leave comments attached to a submission but without the students been able to see the comments.
Latest release:
101 sites
9 fans
Current versions available: 2

This plugin is a copy of the core submission comment plugin except that you have permissions that allow an administrator to restrict the people who can:

  • create and see the comments
  • delete the comments

This pluging was written specifically to meet the needs in British Higher Education for second marking or moderation of students work by a different tutor/teacher. Common use case of this plugin: after a piece of work has been graded, grade reviewers enter comments about the submission (content, grade, grader's comments...). These will never be visible to the student but can be read and responded to by the other marker, and Moodle managers. For example the grade reviewer may have detected plagiarism or think that the grade is not optimal. Comments can form a threaded discussion about the grading, which can be used directly as evidence of the marking processes that is now required in some Universities.


  • add the content in the folder: mod/assign/submission/gradereviews
  • optional: in the Moodle admin tweak the permissions. The permission are listed in db/access.php
  • once it is installed you will see it listed in the "Manage assignment submission plugins", see screen shot, there are no settings to be edited. You can change the order in which the columns appear in the grading page by changing the order here. It is good practice not to have this next to submission comments to avoid confusion between the two.
  • if you wish to change who can see the comments you can change this in permissions, the screenshot below shows the default permissions for a site manager
  • If you go to grading an assignment you will now see the extra column added where comments can be made that will not be visible to students


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Gareth J Barnard
Gareth J Barnard (Lead maintainer): Maintainer
Jérôme Mouneyrac
Ken Farrimond: Lead designer
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  • ivan matviyuk
    вт, 17 мая 2016, 00:35
    Hi Jerome,

    I have finished the review. There are some really small issues that need fixing:
    1: capabilities names as reported in the bug tracker
    2: copyright lines: I noticed that some of the copyrights reference a previous author. It is preferred that all of the files that you have modified for this plugin have your name added as a copyright holder.
    3: In lib.php, line 34 and 71: not used $USER;
    4: the unit test file fails all tests
    Please let me know if you think that any of mentioned issues should not/cannot be fixed, i'm open for discussion

    Best regards,
  • David Mudrák
    вт, 17 мая 2016, 04:43

    Re copyrights, it would be good to have clarified how this code relates to NetSpot. It may be valid to keep the existing copyrights -

  • David Mudrák
    ср, 25 мая 2016, 05:38

    Thanks Jérôme for sharing the plugin with the community, and thanks Ivan for providing the detailed peer-review. None of the detected issues look like an approval blocker to me and I am sure that Jérôme will look at them during the next update of the plugin.

    You are cleared to land now, welcome to the Plugins directory!

  • Mathieu Pelletier
    пт, 5 авг. 2016, 17:00
    This plugin addresses a common use case. I would love to use it, but it does not seem to install properly in Moodle 3.0. There do not appear to be any settings to configure, nor does it show up in the assignment overview. I cannot seem to find any way to enable it. Some of the english language strings also appear to be missing (e.g. role definitions). Is there perhaps additional documentation that might help me to overcome these issues? Many thanks for the very promising plugin!
  • cam nguyen
    пн, 22 авг. 2016, 12:56
    help me!
    my moodle version Moodle 2.7.2 (Build: 20140908) dont intalls.
  • Ken Farrimond
    чт, 25 авг. 2016, 17:10
    Hello Cam Nguyen
    I am afraid this was written for Moodle 2.8 and above. It has not been tested on 2.7. Do try again after your next Moodle upgrade.
    Ken Farrimond
  • Ken Farrimond
    чт, 25 авг. 2016, 17:40
    Hi Mathieu
    Sorry for the slow response - I have been away. I have now added more information to the install instructions. There are no settings to configure, but I added information an a screen shot on roles. Please let me know if this is enough for you to work with.
    Ken Farrimond
  • Mathieu Pelletier
    ср, 9 нояб. 2016, 19:57
    Hi Ken,
    Thanks for the response. I have gotten it to work. I have also submitted a pull request in github to correct the event observer.
  • Jérôme Mouneyrac
    вс, 4 дек. 2016, 17:10
    Just for the update, Mathieu pull request has been merged and the caps have been renamed and translated.
  • Cathy anna
    чт, 23 нояб. 2017, 19:26
    I am so glad to see the details about this plug-in through this article. Since it allow access to see/delete comments for some users, we can use this plug-in widely. I wish to know more details about its features. Please update more here.
  • emma purnell
    пн, 29 июл. 2019, 21:52
    Hi, are there any plans to have a 3.6 version of this plug in? Thanks
  • Ken Farrimond
    пн, 29 июл. 2019, 23:05
    This does work on our 3.6 site and also on a 3.7 site. Do let us know the details if you find issues on new Moodles and we will try to do an update.
  • Adam Harvey
    пт, 20 нояб. 2020, 23:11
    Hi - is there a compatible version of the plugin for 3.9?
  • Wazza
    вс, 23 окт. 2022, 22:48
    I don't think this plugin works anymore on 3.11, am I right? I can see it installed OK on this page: /mod/assign/adminmanageplugins.php?subtype=assignsubmission
    However, I can't edit any comments anywhere. I also don't find it at the assignment settings when adding a new assignment to a course.
  • Ken Farrimond
    пн, 24 окт. 2022, 15:52
    Hi Richard, We have it working fine on multiple 3.11 sites. Note that the way this works, it is classed as a submission plugin so make sure that it is activated in
    -Site administration|Plugins|Activity modules|Assignment|Submission plugins|Manage assignment submission plugins
    If it is active it should appear in the grading page as a column, but note that columns can be minimised by a user - look out for a column that is just a plus sign.
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