Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission - audio and video assessments

Assignment submissions ::: assignsubmission_cloudpoodll
Maintained by Justin Hunt
Part of set PoodLL.
Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission allows students to record audio or video as assignment submissions. It has no dependencies. The recordings are stored in the Poodll cloud and the teacher has a choice of audio and video recorders to use.
Latest release:
266 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 3


Record Audio and Video
Record audio and video using Poodll recorders direct into the Moodle HTML areas. Rely on Poodll’s backend to ease the load on your servers and student browsers.

Cloud Storage of Recordings

Your recordings are stored in the Poodll cloud. This means that your backup files stay small, and you do not need to worry about storage capacity.

Native Moodle Assignment

As a native assignment submission plugin type Poodll fits neatly in with the Moodle grading system. Feedback can be given using Moodle’s assignment feedback. And student submissions can be exported via the portfolio system. It’s even possible to configure the size of audio and video players on the various assignment screens

Recorder Skins
Not satisfied, with a one size fits all recorder? Neither are we. We give you choices on the recorder you use, what it looks like and how it behaves.

Cloud Poodll can transcribe the students speaking and display it beneath the player and as captions. This speeds up grading for teachers and its great for students learning languages. 

Use Cases


Oral presentations have become a common means of assessing students' understanding of the topics covered in a course of study. However, it is not always practical for each student to present live to their teachers and peers. Recorded audio and video submissions allow asynchonous assessment of presentations, allowing teachers to preserve valuable instruction time. Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission is perfect for remote learning contexts in which learners lack the opportunity to present in a shared physical space.

Speaking Practice

In language learning contexts, teachers are always searching for new opportunities to get their students speaking. Recorded mini-assignments give language learners the opportunity to practice basic skills such as self-introductions or presenting a unique aspect of their culture or homeland. Intermediate or advanced students might record extended monologues or unscripted conversations with classmates for assessment by the teacher.

Try Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission on our Demo site
Click here to try Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission now

Getting Started

Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission requires a Poodll API username and secret. These are available with a free trial or a paid subscription. To get your API username and secret:

  1. Visit:
  2. Follow the instructions to create a Poodll account and take a free trial
  3. Register your site URL and get your API user and secret

Then you can install Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission as usual from the Moodle plugins directory. After installation you will be asked for your API user and secret. Please see the Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission support documentation for more information on installing and using Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission.

About Poodll

Poodll has been making plugins for Moodle since 2011. Our software has helped teachers build and deliver language courses in thousands of Moodle websites worldwide. Search for "Poodll" in the Moodle Plugins directory to see a list containing more than 25 of our plugins. Poodll is based in Nagasaki, Japan.


Potential privacy issues

Recorded files are not stored in Moodle and are publicly accessible. The URL to the recorded files is randomized and contains no personally identifying attributes.


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Justin Hunt (Lead maintainer)
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