Grades chart

Assignment feedbacks ::: assignfeedback_grades_chart
Maintained by Kacper Rokicki
A simple Moodle assign feedback plugin, allowing students to check how other students handled a given task by presenting their grades on a chart.
Latest release:
36 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 1

A simple Moodle assign feedback plugin, allowing students to check how other students handled a given task by presenting their grades on a chart.

Grades chart preview

Student will see the chart if all of the following requirements are met:

  1. The grading type for the assignment is "Point",
  2. The feedback type "Grades chart" is enabled for the given assignment (it will be enabled by default),
  3. Assignment is due,
  4. Student has made a submission.

Teacher will also see the chart when grading a given submission (regardless of due time).


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Kacper Rokicki (Lead maintainer)
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