Feature request for Future "Workshop" Module in Moodle 2.0

Feature request for Future "Workshop" Module in Moodle 2.0

על ידי David Nash בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 4
I'm not sure what the Workshop Module will be called in Moodle 2.0 But if possible can I request the following?

The ability to sent an email notification to the Teacher, or multiple people that a an Assessment had been submitted.

I'm using the Workshop module for a specific requirement:

We have a Course that has two parts, a Test and also a Face to Face discussion.

The test obviously can be taken online, but the Face to Face was tricky to record.

I use the Workshop module to get the student to type into the Assessment Title the Title of the Face to Face and submit the form.

The Teacher has to either log in and check if someone has submitted, or the student has to externally email the teacher that they have submitted the request for the Face to Face.

Once the Face to Face meeting has taken place the Teacher logs in a fills out the Assessment form.

Its kind of clanky but it works. The only problem is if the student forgets to email the Teacher externally then there are delays, I would like everything to happen within Moodle if possible.

ממוצע דרוגים: -
בתגובה ל: David Nash

Re: Feature request for Future "Workshop" Module in Moodle 2.0

על ידי Matt Gibson בתאריך
Good idea. Have you looked in the tracker to see if its already been suggested? If not, I'll vote on any bug you file חיוך
בתגובה ל: David Nash

Re: Feature request for Future "Workshop" Module in Moodle 2.0

על ידי Juan Marín בתאריך
Perhaps, the future would be:

Activity Module: Peerlight (currently available in english and german)

Type: Activity Module
Requires: Moodle 1.8 or later
Status: Third-Party
Maintainer: Andi Söllei (andi.soellei@gmail.com)

New peer module (peerlight and peeradvanced in future)

Ambition: current code standard, more user-friendly, replace workshop

Record added by Andreas Söllei - Monday, 28 January 2008, 01:13 A