Best Way to Limit Block Views

Best Way to Limit Block Views

by Todd Thornton -
Number of replies: 3

I need to hide certain blocks from students, but keep them visible for the administrators. I haven't used roles before so we've just been just been making them visible when we need to use them. I'm testing 1.9 and I see an assign roles in the block settings (which I haven't touched yet, but I'm assuming is how I should do it), but is this the type of thing that would be better done/can it be done globally. Not every block will need to hidden, but certain one's will need to be hidden all the time from students. Maybe I'm missing a setting, but I don't see individual block settings in the roles profile settings.

Other than the blocks, I need to keep students from seeing which other classes someone else is enrolled in. I'm just getting acquainted with 1.9, but am I correct in that this is now the default behavior unless students are in the same class? If not, exactly which settings would need to be changed to accomplish my goal.

Thanks in advance,


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In reply to Todd Thornton

Re: Best Way to Limit Block Views

by Helen Foster -
Mmàggini di Core developers Mmàggini di Documentation writers Mmàggini di Moodle HQ Mmàggini di Particularly helpful Moodlers Mmàggini di Plugin developers Mmàggini di Testers Mmàggini di Translators
Hi Todd,

Regarding how to hide certain blocks from students, please see the block permissions documentation.

Regarding preventing students from seeing which courses other students are enrolled in, as far as I know there is no easy way to achieve this i.e. a code change would be required.
In reply to Helen Foster

Re: Best Way to Limit Block Views

by Todd Thornton -

Thanks Helen.

The term wiki is commonly used in the Moodle forums, but the link on the homepage is actually called "Documentation". Granted that's what a wiki is, but perhaps "Documents/Wiki" or some variation would be a better title to avoid confusion and make it easier for people to initially find? I'm probably like most people and look mainly in the forums and sometimes I forget to look in other resources.

I'm going to need to keep students from seeing which students are in other classes so if anyone reading this thread has any ideas or code suggestions, please let me know.


In reply to Todd Thornton

Re: Best Way to Limit Block Views

by Matt Campbell -
I think this is a very good idea and have filed MDL-13835 to suggest this, along with the patches to make it happen. Please vote for this improvement if you would like to see it make it into core.
