Need to be able to import attendance activity but can't - Please help

Need to be able to import attendance activity but can't - Please help

Bởi Jason Hollowell -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 3
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers

I've posted this inquiry in a couple of other placed (at the bottom of the New STABLE version of attendance (v2.0.2) for Moodle 1.8.2 and in the inquiry about Offline Attendance) but haven't heard anything probably because I buried the question in a post that wasn't directly related. it is again:

I really need to be able to import a preset attendance 'activity' but cannot. When I click on import from within a course and navigate to a course that has attendance already setup, attendance does not show up in the list of activities.

Without this capability I cannot create a template attendance setup which is going to make it extremely difficult to impossible to use the attendance module program-wide at our university.

Does anyone know what needs to be done to make the attendance 'activity' importable into another course?


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Để phản hồi tới Jason Hollowell

Re: Need to be able to import attendance activity but can't - Please help

Bởi Jason Hollowell -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers
Hello? Is anyone there?

I'm getting desperate and really hoping to figure out a way to be able to backup/import attendance from a template course.

Does anyone have any advice? Please cười

Để phản hồi tới Jason Hollowell

Re: Need to be able to import attendance activity but can't - Please help

Bởi Dmitry Pupinin -
Hình của Core developers Hình của Plugin developers
Sorry, but backup is not immediate task...
I planning improve module, so develop backup before changing database structure isn't expediency.

But your idea about template is good! Can you describe how it may works? What you necessary from template?
Để phản hồi tới Dmitry Pupinin

Re: Need to be able to import attendance activity but can't - Please help

Bởi Jason Hollowell -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers

Thanks for the response cười

I guess the backup capacity is what is preventing me from being able to import attendance from one course to another.

What I meant by template was that I would set up a course that is just used to export from. Then I would set up, in that course, attendance dates that correspond with our academic calendar (e.g. class sessions on M/Th or T/Fr or W/Sat and eliminate attendance dates for holidays etc.) Then I would import that attendance setup into all applicable courses. I would need 3 templates because of the three different class schedules we have (M/Th, T/Fr, W/Sat).

I've been pointed to another option for now which is to use MySQL to create the module and attendance settings. (discussion starts here) I guess I'm going to experiment with that for now as I need to have everything setup by early April and it doesn't look like there are any other options right now cười

