Peer module

Peer module

por Andreas Söllei -
Number of replies: 0
Hello everybody!

I am one of the guys who are working on a new moodle module.
With this module you are able to do some peer assessment in your moodle courses, I think that have something to do with the subjects that are discussed in this forum, that's the reason for my posting.

In our peer module contributions of the students are evaluated by the teacher and especially by other students. After that the teacher is able to assess the evaluations of the peers and is able to watch the self-organized learning process of his students.

The ambition of this module is to have a workshop module which is more user-friendly and conform to new moodle versions.
It is not necessary that you are familier with the workshop module, please feel free to test our module with trial and error. There are some pdfs and community discussions which hopefully is helpful for you:

On our peerlight-website you find all newest information about the development:

For all comments please feel free to use our forums or contact me directly:

Community discussions on

Have fun wink

Andi Söllei
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