Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
Number of replies: 49
I am an instructor and not a programmer - this it why I am interest in installing Moodle. Why is the config setup so much harder than other PHP scripts? Perhaps it is one of the most difficult ones I've seen. I have installed the following with no issues with umderstanding the config setup process.

PHP/BB2 / Phase / Postnuke / Atutor

and had no problems with the install. Why then is Moodle so difficult.

I am asking if someone could give an explicid example of where and what to place in the variable brackets.

This is what php/BB2 gives you for a config entry options.

$pnconfig['dbtype'] = 'mysql';
$pnconfig['dbhost'] = '';
$pnconfig['dbpass'] = 'password';
$pnconfig['dbname'] = 'mystydata';

I do not see anything that comes close to this in the config.php file

Is this the correct file? If so can you mark it up for me?


<?PHP // $Id: config.php,v 1.21 2004/03/31 04:14:13 moodler Exp $
// config.php - allows admin to edit all configuration variables


if ($site = get_site()) { // If false then this is a new installation
if (!isadmin()) {
error("Only the admin can use this page");

/// This is to overcome the "insecure forms paradox"
if (isset($secureforms) and $secureforms == 0) {
$match = "nomatch";
} else {
$match = "";

/// If data submitted, then process and store.

if ($config = data_submitted($match)) {

validate_form($config, $err);

if (count($err) == 0) {
foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
if ($name == "sessioncookie") {
$value = eregi_replace("[^a-zA-Z]", "", $value);
$conf->name = $name;
$conf->value = $value;
if ($current = get_record("config", "name", $name)) {
$conf->id = $current->id;
if (! update_record("config", $conf)) {
notify("Could not update $name to $value");
} else {
if (! insert_record("config", $conf)) {
notify("Error: could not add new variable $name !");
redirect("index.php", get_string("changessaved"), 1);

} else {
foreach ($err as $key => $value) {
$focus = "form.$key";

/// Otherwise fill and print the form.

if (empty($config)) {
$config = $CFG;
if (!$config->locale = get_field("config", "value", "name", "locale")) {
$config->locale = $CFG->lang;
if (empty($focus)) {
$focus = "";

$stradmin = get_string("administration");
$strconfiguration = get_string("configuration");
$strconfigvariables = get_string("configvariables");

if ($site) {
print_header("$site->shortname: $strconfigvariables", $site->fullname,
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradmin</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"configure.php\">$strconfiguration</a> -> $strconfigvariables", $focus);
} else {
print_simple_box(get_string("configintro"), "center", "50%");
echo "<br />";

print_simple_box_start("center", "", "$THEME->cellheading");

if ($site) {


/// Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Tom Murdock - මගින්
Is this the correct file?

Nope. Wrong file. Modify the config-dist.php file that is in the main Moodle folder (same directory that lists admin, auth, backup, blocks, calendar, etc..). After you insert your own variables, etc., save as config.php to the same folder.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you run into trouble.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Tom Murdock

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

Hi Tom,

Do I like to kick cats - no but I call a spade a spade.

Here is the short: ( these instuctions are absolutely wrong)

Item 3 in the Documentation:

3. Site Structure

Here is a quick summary of the contents of the Moodle folder, to help get you oriented:

config.php - the ONLY file you need to edit to get started
version.php - defines the current version of Moodle code
index.php - the front page of the site

The above is wrong, miss-leading and inaccurate.

Item 7 in the Documentation

Now you can edit the configuration file, config.php , using a text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.

*To start with, make a copy of config-dist.php and name it config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case you upgrade Moodle later on


This statement is after-the-fact. The instructions has been referring to editing the config.php for most of the instructions and then lastly it reverses the order . If these were instruction for a recipe, you would have trashed the materials. It is upside down. Order is important - we are not reading a novel.

I resent that my time is taken away for something that should be fixed and that is predictable. Not testing out your instructions to make sure they are correct and have no errors are as important as proof reading your scripts or testing out a product before it is released to the public. Free or opensource, it does not matter. Is it a product ready for public use.

I am especially hard on Moodle because it plays to the eLeaning cultiure.

This is called quality control. This is why signs or post are constructed - they direct the lost to the right place. How did you feel when you asked for directions and only upon following the persons directions - you discovered you were given the wrong instructions.

Now what if the same instructions came from a company that builds its products by supplying instruction guides and those guides have mislead you.

I dont think you can speak for the Moodle community any more than I. Yes, there are many souls that are helpful and generous. My remarks do lay blame on the community. But I do often call out what is the truth in a constructive way.

I do not blame you for not re-reading those instructions before replying if I was having possibly a "cat kicking day." It is hard to proof read when there is so many other things to do. But I do see the inaccuracies similar to a big pot hole with no barrier to warn, and car after car the unknowing is going to hit it time and time again.

I hope therefore now you can make the distinction of cat kicking and one who has taken the time to researched and articulated the short comings that need to be corrected.

Part II

 Let's admit it, it is rather unusual to have:

a) Instructions which do not indicate which folder is the config-distphp file

b) a file named config.php with contents in it, which has nothing to do with a setup and sits there with seemingly no function but to confuse the install process. Remember the config.php is traditionally where you config your install.

c) You are then asked to edit a config-dist.php

d) then rename the config-dist.php to config.php

I am missing something?

It is only after having installed several PHP scripts that my vivid memory would characterize this arrangement as very strange. It is a combination of poor instructions and a rather an unusual convention of file swapping. The newly created file obliterates another file which also has content but seemingly never used?

My failure was not being able to locate the config-dist.php file and grabbed the config.php file instead.

Thank you for the help -

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
Mmm... this is all very interesting, but installing a reasonably complex piece of software requires that you read through the instructions - all the way through - first.

However, the installation instructions do not tell you to edit the config file before step 7 - unless you know different of course, but I couldn't see it.

> My failure was not being able to locate the config-dist.php file and grabbed the config.php file instead.

...which is even more interesting, as the basic installation doesn't have a config.php yet!

I have said this before, and will no doubt say it again. Installing server software - especially in a cross platform scenario - requires that the user has some basic system administration skills. If they do not, and we all had to start somewhere, you should assume a little pain and some learning. The Moodle community will help you (*I* will help you if nobody else does), but please don't have a go at us - it doesn't help anybody - especially you (my Moodle works thanks!). If the installation instructions can be improved, then be specific - better yet post a suggestion of how it might look.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Martin Dougiamas - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Moodle HQ ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය Testers ගේ පින්තුරය
I can't actually see anything "wrong" with the instructions. What they say is exactly correct. The reason it is done this way is for security and to prevent a number of other possible problems later on (such as overwriting your configuration when you upgrade).

It seems you grabbed the file admin/config.php which is never mentioned in the documentation ... (perhaps you were still following instructions from another product).

Anyhow, I hope you've sorted out your initial difficulties by now and will have a better experience with Moodle.  There are plans for a more automated installation procedure which will use a GUI to lead users though the config process.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Martyn Overy - මගින්

OK,  an automated process would be helpful for non-programmers. Actually, it already exists if  your friendly hosting company has installed Fantastico. However, I am absolutely amazed to learn about the 'difficulties' experienced with input of information into config.php, and the location of this file.  The instructions are extremely clear.  OK, there are actually two config.php files, but the one of importance is where it should be found, in the main directory.

I am not a programmer and I have limited experience of  php/MySQL.  My main interest is in the use and application of Moodle and Postnuke to enrich and enhance the educational experience of students.  Given that Moodle has thousands of users, and that this is the very first complaint I have seen regarding the 'difficulties' relating to config.php,  I am sure there are many other 'non-technies' who are extremely grateful for this wonderful application, and how easy it is to install.

Thanks once again to Martin, and his colleagues, who have made Moodle such a tremendous success: full of useful, powerful features, and so easy to install and upgrade.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martyn Overy

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

How are you using PostNuke  with Moodle? Have you created a bridge? Are they working in tandem?
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
Offtopic: Martin - talk to me about this... I have been playing with some stuff for Linux (command line based), and a GUI version for the Mac maybe/maybe not using Fink packages. A windows GUI version could be done the same way. Would be interested in persuing this.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Zbigniew Fiedorowicz - මගින්
I think this issue should be addressed by putting in a prominent comment at the top of admin/config.php warning that this is not the config.php and should not be editted.  Or maybe the file could be renamed something like site_variables.php
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: Can someone give a good example etc. - suggestion

Ray Lawrence - මගින්

How about this small change to the installation docs to aid new users?:


Now you can edit the configuration file, config.php, using a text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.

To start with, make a copy of config-dist.php and name it config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case you upgrade Moodle later on.


Now you can create and edit the configuration file, config.php, using a text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.

To start with, make a copy of config-dist.php and name it config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case you upgrade Moodle later on.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

This is what through me. The sequence order in item 7 is reversed. Yes, you must read it completely first as you would do any instructions.

It would be better to write:

a) First find the config-dist.php, it is located in the Moodle main folder after you have unpacked it. Why did we name it config-dist.php? It will become your master config setup file (distribution config file) First save the config-dist.php as SaveAs config-dist-orig.php. Leave the config-dist-orig.php as untouched. Now we will use the config-dist.php as the master config file.

Edit this file inseting all the data in the brackets,

( Show example here)

then upload this same file to your server (moodle/ config-dist.php), go ahead and rename this file that is now on your webserver to config.php. This procedure keeps you from over-writing the master config (config-dist.php) on your hard drive with a config that may be corrupted or bad.

When you want to examine your config file on your server, you may now download it to your Moodle folder without fear of overwriting your master config and there will be no conflicts with different versions of a config setup file. You may want to refer to config-dis-orig.php file for structure and content against your working config file or re-build a new config file from it.

If you have installed moodle on different machines you would archive these to a safe location and have a config file that would look like this:

config.php.gatewayWin - installed on your Gateway in Windows - installed on your internet sever at

You need only to drop the last extension and the file is usable

So now to continue, we ask you to clone the config-dist.php and not rename it. It will be duplicated as "config.php." We will be using this config.php in the main folder for our setup use. We now have two files with identical contents : config-dist.php and the newly created config.php

b) If you have not already done so, rename config-dist.php to config.php

d) Now let's edit the config.php file with the following settings:

Psychologically the student of the installer is reaffirmed by:

a) Understanding what is dist and giving the reason for naming the file "config-dist.php" to config.php.

b) Stating that the config-dist.php and the config file will be located in the main folder on your hard drive in Moodle and also will be moved to the Moodles main folder on the webserver.

It is traditional that the config files in PHP scripts are not located in the main folder. Moodle takes exception to this rule and places it in the main folder. Also you will find other config.php files throughout Moodle.

c) Make sure the file is not renamed but is cloned with the new name of config.php

Item 7 is not contradictory to the above information but item 7 can be written better. The sequence should be changed for clarity.



7. Edit config.php

Now you can edit the configuration file, config.php, using a text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.

To start with, make a copy of config-dist.php and name it config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case you upgrade Moodle later on.


Thank you for your help



ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Martyn Overy - මගින්

"It is traditional that the config files in PHP scripts are not located in the main folder. Moodle takes exception to this rule and places it in the main folder. Also you will find other config.php files throughout Moodle."

Now this is interesting. I have checked on all the Postnuke and PHPNuke + other PHP/MySQL installations I have done and it is certainly not a 'tradition' in these installations. Nevertheless,  I would be interested to hear of major/popular  installations which give rise to this perceived 'tradition'. 

The main folder is where I expected to find config.php, when I first moved to Moodle, after gaining experience in other installations.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Martyn Overy

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්


ATutor - config is in the Include folder

PHPWCMS - config is in the Includes folder

Phase -- config is in the Includes folder

PostNuke - config is in the html folder  / Sorry you're mistaken its in there

PHP/BB - config is in the main directory / Youre correct

Four out of 5 perhaps does not conclusively support that this is traditional but it demonstrates that it is a common practice. There are practical reasons why you would not place a setup or config file in the main or in this case, in the Moodle http folder.

There are others scripts that have the config in non-main folders but I have not listed them.




ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Jeffery Watkins - මගින්

The postnuke html folder is not part of the installation.  It is a folder that holds all of the files for the main directory.  So..... config.php is in the main directory of PostNuke.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Tom Murdock - මගින්

I suspect you are moving ahead with your installation now that the config-dist.php mystery is solved. Fact is, you asked the question at 10:49 and had a response by 11:36 from us. That's pretty helpful, ain't it? You didn't even have to pay any money. More importantly (to me) is that doesn't pipe out elevator music while one is on hold. සිනහව

You write: I dont think you can speak for the Moodle community any more than I. Yes, there are many souls that are helpful and generous. My remarks do lay blame on the community. But I do often call out what is the truth in a constructive way. I don't claim any more authority than you, but why can't I praise a group of people/friends who for two years have hustled to help hundreds of new users? As for constructive comments, we'll take em. That's our daily bread. But a little of sugar and cinnamon makes it so much better.

You write: This is called quality control. This is why signs or post are constructed - they direct the lost to the right place. How did you feel when you asked for directions and only upon following the persons directions - you discovered you were given the wrong instructions. I think what you'll appreciate about Moodle as you become more involved at this site is that Moodlers, like the software and documentation, are an integral part of the experience. In this way, the Moodlers (if we do it right) are also "signs" pointing you towards help. As far as I'm concerned, this is the genius paradigm shift of Moodle. The software even has bells and whistles built in that help us do this job right (more about this, if you want).

A classroom is never just about the resources or assignments, its about the students and teachers encountering those experiences and making sense of them together. I don't believe in the possibility of "perfect installation instructions" (though I think the docs here are pretty damn good) -- only because I recognize a human's propensity to misread. I'm talking about misreading the words of a loved one, the words of a boss, the words of a politician, the words of a stranger.

You write: I resent that my time is taken away for something that should be fixed and that is predictable... You are having a natural response--and it is hard to get the right tone here--I'm not saying this condescendingly. You probably feel a steep learning curve during the installation, you probably feel--suddenly--more like a student than a teacher. But the pay-off is great. I find this page on Moodle philosophy pretty helpful: Check out #4, it talks about connected and separate learning. Sometimes separate learning can lead a person to resort to defensive tactics. A mix of tactics in forum discussions makes the experience of e-learning a whole lot easier.

I wish you the best. Once you have installed the software, I hope you'll stick around and share your suggestions for this software and community. But even more, I hope that the whole Moodle experience will lend itself to you sharing whatever strong thoughts you have about teaching with us, so that we'll become stronger because of it.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Tom Murdock

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

Tom, Martyn, Howard and others,

One thing it is difficult to obtain accurately is the tone of how we feel or a sentence careful constructed can help communicate tone and feeling. This is a challenge in the format of a forum where there are fires to put and there are many fires. What may come across as having a bad day, may be the way it is read the reader, and the authors failure to communicate.

Instruction manuals, like anything else, will continue to be improved upon, it is a never ending process - My argument is I wish that as part of the procedure of creating manuals or a web page, that testing would be done to insure that it well written and understood.

In a IM message Saturday afternoon (I had started my install)  I sent Martin a note of praise for the project and its impact on education.

As a member of Moodle, I will contribute to the community by calling out problems, helping others as you have helped me and trying to fix them. That is what makes a community - participation, contribution and a heart of service. Yes, I've have received several timely emails of help. Products have always been defined by the people behind them. In reading the messages in other forums I see there are many good people here.

I do thank you all for your help and more importantly - your kindness. These messages demonstrate the degree help, kindness and patients you possess- qualities found in good and respected teachers.



ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Gustav W Delius - මගින්

Rick, I like the tone of your last message.

The first time I installed Moodle I slowly read through the installation document and when I came to section 3 about the "Site structure" I went and explored the site structure. I can still remember that, like you, I was a bit disturbed by the fact that the file config.php that was advertised in section 3 did not actually exist in that folder but that there was such a file in the admin/ folder.

I have now made two small changes in the English install.html file in Moodle 1.4dev that I hope will make the issue clearer. Thus your contributions here have already had a positive effect on Moodle. Welcome to the community. smile

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Gustav W Delius

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
Hi Gustov,

It is a lovely day here in Los Angeles and maybe I will get out and about after trying to finish my install.

It is reasonalble that a setup or config file that is the key to security and installation not in the main folder but would be in the includes or Admin folders. Seeing that a config-dist.php is not your typical file and the vague instruction in the Summary and in item 7, I went ahead a grabbed the config.php file out of the admin's folder - what a mistake.

I am an intructor and will be producing several courses using a CMS php app. When I saw the use of Quicktime, and flash I was sold.

Although I like PHP/bb this board is great. Do you know what powers this board?

Best regards,


P.S. You are possibly the first instructor I received a message from. I would like to know more or what you teach and projects that lead you to Moodle.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
This is not particularly directed at you Rick, but just an observation from working in commercial support and in particular working with open source software (I'm old and have been around a bit!):


"Your documentation sucks! Why didn't you test it properly? You completely wasted my time and I'm gonna set my dog on you"


"I got confused installing Moodle because the instructions don't make it clear until very late on that config.php is not in the distribution. Suggest that a short note is added at the beginning to this effect. Thanks!"

See the difference?
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Config.php? Scan the install docs

John Gone - මගින්
I don't know Rick. I just went through the install docs located here:
and I think they're very clear and accurate. The only thing they don't include is a cool drink to enjoy while they hold your hand and walk you through the very simple setup. If you don't read instructions they can't help you, can they? These instructions are written as a grandfather would write them, informal and accurate, simple but not condescending.

I think if you hang around for a while you may come to appreciate that the developer has also included this webspace, at substantial expense, to house a very active and very generous community. This community generously provides assistance to Moodlers worldwide. All this plus the lead developer posting answers and suggestions frequently. In fact this very site could even be used to collaborate with other Moodlers when you present your "new, improved and more accurate" installation documentation. You obviously feel strong enough about this issue to want to do it right don't you? Just so that other potential Moodlers don't get frustrated too. That's often the way it goes around here, and in many other collaborative environments.

I don't know if you kick cats or not but I think your post is awfully close to being rude and expresses a certain amount of ingratitude. Had you paid $7000 you could be as rude as you like although that would probably not endear you to those on the "help desk" but maybe it would make you feel better for a minute or two.

Certainly I guess the developer could have included his cellphone number so you could call him when you need help but that would be a bit unusual wouldn't it?

Enjoy your Moodle software and looking forward to seeing your posts, "better" documentation and future contributions.

Cheerio සිනහව
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to John Gone

Re: Config.php? Scan the install docs

Rick Blanc - මගින්
"Had you paid $7000 you could be as rude as you like although that would probably not endear you to those on the "help desk" but maybe it would make you feel better for a minute or two."

If you have read the list php scripts I have installed your statement above is not relevant.

You don't have a number of open source apps on your server and not understand the the benefits of open source.

Rude? Show me where I've been rude. Please don't back out of this.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Config.php? Scan the install docs

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය

I for one don't want to see a flame war getting going here. It doesn't do Moodle any good and it doesn't help us all to get on with our day to day business. Lets get some perspective here - its only a piece of software. Its not life and death. Chill out guys සිනහව
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Tom Murdock

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
Tom can you tell me where to upload the config.php file. The instructions do not indicate the location.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
Rick... calm down.. take a step back සිනහව

You do not upload the file, it is already there, BUT...

Moodle does NOT come with config.php. It comes with config-dist.php. The first thing you have to do is to copy config-dist.php to config.php, then *edit* config.php putting in parameters for your particular installation. This is in the 'root' directory of your moodle installation.

It is critical that you use an editor that 'sees' the file properly. You don't say what sort of system you are using so its hard to be specific. However, if this is windows - Wordpad will work, Notepad will not (in my experience).

If you can install phpBB, you can install Moodle - it is absolutely no harder.

However, this is definitely what it says in step 7 of the installation instructions. Did you read this? I hope I don't sound rude or unpleasant, but I can't see what's hard about this, and am a bit worried about how stressed you are going to get about working out the stuff to put in there සිනහව
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
Thank you for your support.

I am now getting this error. I have created this folder and gave it permissions of 755. 


Warning: mkdir(/r/rblanc/htdocs/moodledata): No such file or directory in
You need to create the directory /r/rblanc/htdocs/moodledata with web server write access

Naming conflict: block online_users has the same title with an existing block, course_summary!


loggedinnot (login)

Warning: Unknown(): open(/r/rblanc/htdocs/moodledata/sessions/sess_8e27b3f2692ddfe04f9a5a60e028147c, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/r/rblanc/htdocs/moodledata/sessions) in Unknown on line 0

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
It means what it says සිනහව

What sort of system are you using? You need to create the moodledata directory. Dare I say, like it says in the instructions, soo..

mkdir /r/rblank/htdocs/moodledata

...except that that is probably a bad place to put it as it will be accessible by your browser, suggest something like

mkdir /r/rblank/moodledata

..remembering to change the setting in config.php

The tricky bit is making sure your web server has access, on RedHat and its derivatives it is...

chown -R apache:apache /r/rblank/moodledata

but other systems will have a different user:group for the webserver - you just need to know it. Look in the httpd.conf file for a definite answer. If you are unsure, or in a hurry, this will work but is not really recommended as it leaves the directory wide open

chmod -R 0777 /r/rblank/moodledata

NB. 755 is no use in this case - no write access to httpd.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
My ISP says that folders can ony be set to 755. The moodle folder is set to 755.

I have the folder created and now will re-check the config.php.

The db tables has been created successfully, at least that's what the install says. I will check. After I fix my config file do I run again the setup?
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
OK, but it still won't work. You will need to ask your ISP how to make a directory writeable by the web server. I am just waiting for them to tell you that they run PHP in safe mode though. Who is it by the way?
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
It is Powweb.There are some issues with Powweb and Contendo

Here is an article.
  While they do offer lots of space & bandwidth for a bargain price, they are not a good place to run scripted programs. I have had big problems with some of the technical decisions that the management has made. Several changes that they made broken stable installations of Contentor. I have spend enough time trying to fix what they broke that (even at minimum wage rate) i would come out ahead just giving people web space instead of trying to get PowWeb to run Contentor (just to have them break it). In other words, i can no longer support the running of Contentor on PowWeb.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය
Sorry don't know what 'Contendo' is, however....

I read the FAQ's and while the tell you *not* to use chmod 777, I don't get the impression that they actually stop you. They just tell you its a security risk, which it is, but you don't have a whole lot of choice. There has been *lots* of discussion about this on the forums if you do a search (if you are interested).

I also not that they run PHP in CGI mode, which is less than ideal - but par for the course for this type of host.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්
Howard I am able to create a folders in my root and change the permissions. There are folders that are not changable like log and cgi.

So theoretically I shoould be able to finish this install successfully.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

I use Powweb for prototyping. Remember the list of PHP scripts I have up and runing:


They all work with issues. Does that mean the apache server will work with Moodle?

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Howard Miller - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Peer reviewers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය

I don't really understand your question, and I am not familiar with all of those apps.

However, Moodle needs to be able to upload files and write them to a directory on your machine, defined in config.php at


This directory must be writeable by the user/group that Apache runs as! This is the stumbling block on many hosted systems, as they do not provide you with sufficient permission to change the ownership of the file area to the apache user/group. PHPBB for example (IIRC) keeps *everything* in the database, so it doesn't have this issue. Moodle is really a much bigger and more complicated system that PHPBB.

As long as you can set up the permissions on this directory to meet this requirement then you have a chance. If not, you will be unable to run Moodle on this host.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Can someone give a good example of where to place the data for Config.php?

Rick Blanc - මගින්

You have made very clear the difference from phpBB and Moodle. I will ask Powweb Monday about the permissions and which mode they are running php.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Rick Blanc - මගින්
To those of you who had to respond and will in no doubt - read these post concerning the Config.php file,

I would like to apologize on stating that the config.php file was not formatted for data input and was therefore defective and unfitting. I got hold of the config file that sits in the admin folder and tried to edit it. Of course if you saw it as the config file to setup, you would be overwhelmed.

I thought it was unbelievable that Moodle was using this as the config.php setup file to edit. Moodle should however change the name of that file if not remove it

What a grand entrance I've made into Moodle.
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Floyd Collins - මගින්

Well said Rick, one thing to always note is that even though there is only a few responding there is many more reading. One note on the config-dist.php issue, this naming convention is common in many installation scripts such as CGI and Perl. I know this does not help with the confusion of what file to edit. And I agree too many config.php files can be messy. The only thing I can say is hang in there because once the GUI install hits moodle the install will be so easy to setup that even my 11 year could do it. I think that a lot of your issues are with your hosting. I have installed Moodle on many systems and many different operating systems, they all seem to install with out a hitch yet with that said, I also have full control of the OS. Hope all works out for you. Oh by the way I am also an instructor සිනහව

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Dave Ray - මගින්


   Your resolve will be worth all the time spent engaging this fine
community. As you have witnessed, the community is strong and dedicated
to making things work. Martin is showing great restrant and professionalism
as his child continues to grow.


ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Marc Dastous - මගින්


I am using POWWEB as my hosting company and have completed many installations without problems.  I agree that at first I struggled, but Martin and the crew have guided my in the right direction EVERY time.  May I suggest the following:

  1. In your root directory, above the htdocs folder, create a folder called moodledata. These folders are by default on POWWEB drwxr-xr-x (755).  This way your data cannot be accessed without php. It should look something like this:

  2. Within your htdocs folder, upload the moodle directory.  Ensure that your moodle folder is set to drwxr-xr-x (755).
  3. Did you do the install in a clean DB or did you use one of the others?  It is recommended that you install Moodle in a dedicated DBase to control any conflicts that may occur.  I realize that POWWEB limits you to 5, but you may wish to invest the $10 to save some heartache.
  4. When you really get into creating your classes uploads are limited to 2MB.  POWWEB has a default php.ini that can be placed in ANY folder that requires more than the default 2MB upload_max_filesize and 8MB processing.  You will need to access the POWWEB site for more information on this
  5. Also remember, POWWEB has a new feature that allows your to create subdomains. This would allow you to have  If you want more information see this discussion

If you need more POWWEB specific help on this, I would be happy to help you via email.


ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Marc Dastous

RE: Setup Guide for PowWeb

Rick Blanc - මගින්

I got it working - thank you.

Your instructions line by line are very good. I want to thank you for the time it took you to create this guide for me. I would like to save it and help other PowWeb users.

I tried to create a new db called moodle but it was already taken, could that be you?mixed I would like to stay in touch with you.

Best regards,


ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

koen roggemans - මගින්
Core developers ගේ පින්තුරය Documentation writers ගේ පින්තුරය Moodle HQ ගේ පින්තුරය Particularly helpful Moodlers ගේ පින්තුරය Plugin developers ගේ පින්තුරය Translators ගේ පින්තුරය

An expression I found on the net:

Ní bhíonn saoi gan locht
(There is no expert without a fault)

(Does anyone know wich language this is and who said this?bedenking)

Anyway, I'm glad the documentation has gone a little step forward. No one wants people to have troubles when installing Moodle.

Happy Moodling

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Ger Tielemans - මගින්

Or (on all platforms):

  1. copy the config.php to a dir outside the webtree
  2. change the content of config.php into: <?php include("/yourpath/config.php"); ?>
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Rick Blanc

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Art Lader - මගින්

I cannot imagine that anyone in this community will hold it against you that you became a little frustrated. I think most of us have been there, too.

Happy Moodling!

-- Art
ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -
In reply to Art Lader

Re: I would like to apologize _ I grabbed the wrong Config file

Rick Blanc - මගින්

I sure hope not to be penalized for such a goof up, as I will need all the help I can get for the projects I want to begin constructing. What alot of wasted energy for all.

Thank you for your encouraging words - they are welcomed.

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -