SQL query to find currently enrolled students

SQL query to find currently enrolled students

de John Houser -
Número de respuestas: 4
I've been writing some scripts that help to integrate our Moodle system with a separate, external workshop scheduling database which drives our website. One script requires that I extract from the Moodle database a list of currently enrolled students for a course, given a course ID number. The current query looks like this:

SELECT u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, c.fullname workshop
FROM mdl_user u, mdl_role_assignments r, mdl_course c, mdl_context t
WHERE t.instanceid = c.id
AND r.contextid = t.id
AND r.userid = u.id
AND r.roleid = 5
AND u.deleted != 1
AND c.idnumber = $course_idnumber

The query works except that it returns both currently enrolled students and previously enrolled students. I've noted that mdl_context includes a column called contextlevel and that that column has one number for all the current students and another number for old students. But I don't know how to predict what the correct contextlevel should be for a given course. Can anyone explain how the contextlevel works?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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En respuesta a John Houser

Re: SQL query to find currently enrolled students

de Tim Hunt -
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Context level actually tells you what type of context you have. So if contextlevel = 50, then you have a course, and instanceid is a course id. If contextlevel = 10 then this is the site context, and there should only be one. context_level = CONTEXT_MODULE (these contstants are defined at the top of lib/accesslib.php) then instanceid points to the course_modules table.
En respuesta a John Houser

Re: SQL query to find currently enrolled students

de yuki yuki -
Your query is giving results who are locally assigned (suppose course->assign roles)...
but when a user assigned globally meaning assign roles in system (Users->Permission->Assign system roles) then how to get those users by query?. Can you please give me the hints/or that query?