Forgotten new options

Forgotten new options

by Ger Tielemans -
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During my effort to install version 1.3 final and checking if my old patches are still needed,
I found two options of Quizz that did not make it into the final and still look handy and easy:

1. Add next to the "move selection to the quiz" button, a button with the label: "remove selection".
(Very useful after a mistake during file-in with GIFT-format or so)

2. next to save the quiz button, a button with "preview in a pop-up"
Now you have to do:

    1. save the test and wait
    2. push "try the quiz" and wait
    3. (and then look at the result)  then click on the quiz title and wait
    4. then click on modify the test and wait
    5. then press on "next page" and wait.. to end up again on the question edit screen

Having the preview as popup window button, you would:

  1.  press preview, and wait
  2. look, and close the popup.  (no wait)

You could save three button clicks (and 4 "waits" until the screen did build-up again cool )

There never was code for the first wish.

The old code for the preview does not function in my 1.3

--- /home/isen/moodle/mod/quiz/edit.php	2003-09-11 15:59:47.000000000 +0200
+++ edit.php	2003-10-14 10:27:12.000000000 +0200
@ -172,2 +172,8 @
+        <input type="submit" value="Preview"
+           XonClick="return openpopup('/mod/quiz/preview.php?id=<?php echo $modform->coursemodule;?>',
+           'popup','menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=800,height=600',0);">
I also wonder if others can still cahnge my questions in the database if I Set Publish on..

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