Teacher Feedback/scores on top of student feedback/scores

Re: Teacher Feedback/scores on top of student feedback/scores

por Jared Stein -
Número de respuestas: 0
Not that I've heard. We installed 1.8.3 this month and I'm still seeing this (though I haven't created a new Workshop from scratch, I'm just relying on existing Workshops in the course). I want to test this more because I suspect it has something to do with release on the assessments etc.

What I've been doing as a work-around is simple: because my scoring of points over the top of the student's scoring of pointsdoes not eliminate their self-assessment points, I simply give them points as usual, but I append my feedback below theirs with my name as signature (e.g. "Put in more effort next time. --Mr Stein").

It's sort of clumsy, but it meets my needs for now until a fix comes along.