Cannot modify profile picture...why?

Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Blue Magica -
Yanıt sayısı: 13
my users are trying to upload profile pictures and i tried myself, but as i click "update profile" it goes to the main profile page and the picture is the default one, not the one we uploaded.....why?
Blue Magica yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Emmanuel de Ternay -

I have the same problem with the moodle site ( But I could actualize my image profile in my local site. I associated the problem to the configuration of the firewall I have to pass to access the internet, but I didn't make any more test to confirm this hypothesis. Do you have any firewall to access your site? Check its configuration to see if this can be the issue.

Emmanuel de Ternay yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Mauno Korpelainen -
Mauno Korpelainen yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Blue Magica -
hmm...nope problem still there......maunu could you take a look at the my site?
Emmanuel de Ternay yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Emmanuel de Ternay -
Just tried to upload my profile picture in moodle site from home (without firewall) and it didn't work. And I can't change the parameters: I'm not an adminstrator of the moodle site.
In my site I could upload my profile picture without any problem.
Emmanuel de Ternay yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Blue Magica -
if you need admin access, give me your email, and i will send you the name and pass.

And i have no idea, why it stopped working, i uploaded my own pics and such, but ......ohwell, it dosent work......for some odd reason now the users cant upload avatars......
Blue Magica yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Mauno Korpelainen -

I just visited your site and my user image is there...

Try once more to UNSELECT Use slasharguments setting

Administration -> Server -> HTTP

Mauno Korpelainen yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Blue Magica -
hmmm....i didnt do anything, its miraculously fixed by itself!

and where is this "Administration -> Server -> HTTP"? site administration block? i dont see server there?
Blue Magica yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Mauno Korpelainen -
If your moodle is version 1.6 go to Administration -> Configuration -> Variables and find slasharguments: change it to other value.
Blue Magica yanıt olarak

Re: Cannot modify profile picture...why?

yazan Al Padkowsky -
I had the same problem, but fortunately I am using a Moodle partner for my hosting. The answer in my case was " your site was set to show that the GD library was not installed (in the server settings, system paths). I re-enabled it and tested your picture profiles work fine now."