Flat file Enrolement

Flat file Enrolement

di Jalil K -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hi Guys,

I think Im starting to get somewhere on my test server. I've decided I can export a courses based flat file csv file from my database in the format as following.

add, student, 5, IT101
add, student, 5, HI101

I have placed this in a writable directory, and hence the pathname in the moodle flat file setup hasn't got double slashes "//". Everything looks fine.

I know with the database plugin, enrolement takes place as soon as a student signs in, can I achieve the same result with a flat file system? If not how do I activate moodle to do an "import" ... any instructions would be excellent - I probably know that I will have to use the cron, but if someone can tell me how I do this that owuld be fantastic.

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