Can I Add the CVS Calendar to 1.2.1?

Can I Add the CVS Calendar to 1.2.1?

oleh Mike Churchward -
Jumlah balasan: 1
Gambar dari Core developers Gambar dari Plugin developers Gambar dari Testers

Hi -

Can I add the calendar code contained in the CVS (moodle/calendar) to a 1.2.1 installation? Or should I wait to upgrade it to 1.3?

Also, if I can't, can I still use the one in 'contrib'?


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Sebagai balasan Mike Churchward

Re: Can I Add the CVS Calendar to 1.2.1?

oleh John Papaioannou -
Hi Mike,

As far as I can remember, the calendar code itself is compatible with 1.2.1, but I think you will be facing other problems:

  • mdl_events table?
  • Since it has moved to blocks, you 'll need to resurrect calendar_print_side_blocks()
  • Might be other things that don't come to mind right now

On the other hand, as long as you have the correct mdl_event table and since it was developed with "ease of insertion" in mind, you could dig up the old installation instructions and give it a shot. It's 100% safe, you can always comment out calendar_print_side_blocks() if something's not working correctly. So if you 're feeling adventurous...

Good luck!