Question: How to insert in my header site fullname

Question: How to insert in my header site fullname

by Todor Rangelov -
Number of replies: 3

Helloo, to all friends I'm new with Moodle and i need some help.
My question is how to insert in the header template a static information on every page.

I need to show:

- Site fullname and Siteshortname. And could be possible for them to be a static and showed on every page?

I need a php tag like this: php echo $title, or php echo $heading

The problem now is that the current header are changing on some pages.


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In reply to Todor Rangelov

Re: Question: How to insert in my header site fullname

by Mauno Korpelainen -

You need to edit your theme header.html (with notepad)

Tags inside if ($home) {...} are shown at front page and tags inside else if ($heading) {...} go to other pages

In reply to Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Question: How to insert in my header site fullname

by Todor Rangelov -
Yes, but can you write for me how the code will looks like?
In reply to Todor Rangelov

Re: Question: How to insert in my header site fullname

by Mauno Korpelainen -

Open standard theme header.html and

if you find php echo $heading

replace it with php echo $heading."(short name)"

Short name is here the text you want to use...using variable $shortname needs some more code and you can't use it directly.