Prevent auto enrollment to the course

Prevent auto enrollment to the course

by Ashok Naidu -
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HI All,

We are using moodle1.5. We have created many courses and users in it. We usually assign 1 course , 1 instructor and 1 user. But in some cases we find the for a course it automatically enrolls more than 1 user. Though from admin we enroll only one user but still in some cases it auto enroll second user. We tring to find the reason how the second user automatically gets enroll becuase of which if the user (to whom, admin enrolls) posts any forum , email also goes to the user(to whom, automatically enrolls). This creates confusion.

Any one has the any idea for the above problem. Till now we find 6 cases and we want to avoid the same thing to be happens next

Ashok Naidu
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