Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Jessica Brogley -
Number of replies: 5
My sophs are uploading assignments and some suddenly can only upload 10bytes of info...thus they can't upload any of my assignments. It appears to be random students and it doesn't happen every day. I have the setting at 2mb; I checked with administration and they have nothing set to 10bytes.

Any ideas?
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In reply to Jessica Brogley

Re: Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Howard Miller -
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How do you know it's 10 bytes?
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Jessica Brogley -
Oh, it says that the max for that particular assignment is 10 bytes.'s not...but that's what it's saying...
In reply to Jessica Brogley

Re: Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Mauno Korpelainen -

I just noticed that I have the same setting in some of my courses. I have restored them from other courses (demo course).

You may change that value if you select Update this assignment button and go on...

In reply to Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Jessica Brogley -
But it doesn't say 10 bytes for all students...Suzie has a max of 2mb and Kimmy has 10bytes...same assignment! Weird, huh?
In reply to Jessica Brogley

Re: Some students are only able to upload 10bytes...

by Mauno Korpelainen -

It really is because there is no user upload max in moodle. What version of moodle, php, mysql and server you have?

The reason could be somewhere else than upload max values. That 10 bytes comes from some wrong place (corrupted file, database error...)

Check first that your config.php has no signs after last ?>
(people allways suggest this if there is no reasonable explanation...)

Next you could debug possible errors (from server or moodle settings)