Lesson Module CSS

Lesson Module CSS

Patrick Chonaiew -

I would like to change the font size and text alignment of the questions and answers displayed in the lesson module.  I've toyed with the CSS files but I can't seem to get it to work.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

回复Patrick Chonaiew

Re: Lesson Module CSS

Joseph Rézeau -
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It's not easy to help you because you don't give many details regarding the changes you actually want to make. Which Moodle version are you using? which theme? which question types are you using?
Anyway, I am attaching an example, based on Moodle 1.6 and the formal white theme.
Adding the following CSS declarations to one of that theme's CSS files enlarges the question text and MCQ choices text, and displays the latter in blue.
#mod-lesson-view td.generalboxcontent,
#mod-lesson-view td.generalboxcontent label{
#mod-lesson-view td.generalboxcontent label{


附件 image000.jpg
回复Joseph Rézeau

Re: Lesson Module CSS

Patrick Chonaiew -

Thanks Joseph,

Sorry I didn't provide more info, I'm a newby.  I'm running 1.5.4. with the formal white theme. I would like to increase the font size to something like 14pt or maybe larger and I would like the text alignment to be Left for the Questions, Answers, and Responses.  I hope that helps.  I'll try tweaking the CSS files a little more tonight.