Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by genie zydiak -
Number of replies: 36

I've perused several forums, but have yet to hit upon an answer for my elementary (sorry) question:  I would like to import a roster of students into my Moodle class.  The roster can be .csv or .txt format.

I'm unable to find:     1) a screen in Moodle that allows me that option  (maybe we need another module?)       or 2) directions for importing students (order of fields to populate, etc).

I'm sure many of you have succesfully done this.  Thanks in advance for sharing with me.

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In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Derry Lyons -

Just a regular list? Try the "upload users" feature in the admin section. Which, of course, assumes you *are* the admin. (Hadn't thought about having course instructors add...hmmm...)

Let me know if I'm not grasping your question... thanks! smile Derry

In reply to Derry Lyons

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by John Hennessy -
Derry has answered this but it may be worth noting that the text file must have a first line e.g.

username, password, firstname, lastname, email, course1, course2

followed by one line of this information for each user (this example assumes you are enrolling in two courses - their short names specified in the lines of student information).

e.g. for user Gerry Hill

gerryhill, mnbvjui, Gerry, Hill,, mycourse1, mycourse2

V1.6 allows more options to be specified.

More information is available in the Help file linked to the upload users page an admin sees when they go from the site Admin block to ...users ...upload users

Hope this is of some use.

Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to John Hennessy

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Ace Marcellus -
I have set up the file to import with the fieldname suggested above and everytime I try to import I get a "username" is not a valid fieldname error box, the link for more information doesn't lead to anything.  Any suggestions??
In reply to John Hennessy

Trả lời: Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Nghia Nguyen Van -

Hello John Hennessy

I don't know how to add student into class but student's password not modify

Can you help me???

In reply to Nghia Nguyen Van

Re: Trả lời: Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Emma Richardson -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

This is a ten year old post.  You should start a new thread detailing exactly what you are having trouble with...have you checked the documentation?

In reply to Derry Lyons

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Hector Solano -

Hello Derry,

Im wondering if this is still possible with the latests versions. 

I couldnt find the place to do it!

In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Dr S Bhatia -

If you are sure you want to import multiple user accounts from a text file, then you need to format your text file as follows:

  • Each line of the file contains one record
  • Each record is a series of data separated by commas
  • The first record of the file is special, and contains a list of fieldnames. This defines the format of the rest of the file.

    Required fieldnames: these fields must be included in the first record, and defined for each user

    username, password, firstname, lastname, email

    Default fieldnames: these are optional - if they are not included then the values are taken from the primary admin

    institution, department, city, country, lang, auth, timezone

    Optional fieldnames: all of these are completely optional. The course names are the "shortnames" of the courses - if present then the user will be enrolled as students in those courses. Group names must be associated to the corresponding courses, i.e. group1 to course1, etc.

    idnumber, icq, phone1, phone2, address, url, description, mailformat, maildisplay, htmleditor, autosubscribe, course1, course2, course3, course4, course5, group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5

  • Commas within the data should be encoded as &#44 - the script will automatically decode these back to commas.
  • For Boolean fields, use 0 for false and 1 for true.
  • Types are used to tell Moodle whether the user is a student or a teacher if a corresponding course exists (e.g. type2 corresponds to course2). 1 = Student, 2 = Editing Teacher, and 3 = Non-editing Teacher. If type is left blank, or if no course is specified, the user is default to student.
  • For courses, use the short name for the course
  • Note: If a user is already registered in the Moodle user database, this script will return the userid number (database index) for that user, and will enrol the user as a student in any of the specified courses WITHOUT updating the other specified data.

Here is an example of a valid import file:

username, password, firstname, lastname, email, lang, idnumber, maildisplay, course1, group1, type1
jonest, verysecret, Tom, Jones,, en, 3663737, 1, Intro101, Section 1, 1
reznort, somesecret, Trent, Reznor,, en_us, 6736733, 0, Advanced202, Section 3, 3

Average of ratings:Useful (7)
In reply to Dr S Bhatia

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by genie zydiak -

Thank you all so much.  This information is invaluable.  My web host is moving my account to a PHP4 server to accommodate Moodle 1.6.

Re: importing .txt/csv files:   I couldn't figure out additional valid field names for my import file, so your listing of field names is terrific. 

From what you all have said, it appears if I have admin rights to the Moodle folder, I'll be able to upload the students from my .txt/csv file into Moodle (I won't need an extra enrollment module).  Hope I understood you correctly.

I'll post again after I they upgrade my Moodle.

Thank you again.

In reply to Dr S Bhatia

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Jérôme Charaoui -
Thank you, very useful information indeed.

However I'm wondering if it's possible to specify an empty email address in the CSV file, so that the user is prompted to enter it upon logging in for the first time.
In reply to Jérôme Charaoui

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Iñaki Arenaza -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

As far as I know, email is a required field and you need to supply a valid value to it (i.e., something that resembles an email address).

Saludos. Iñaki.

Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Iñaki Arenaza

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Tom Cox -
I think Iñaki is right. If i remember right, you get an error if you try it with no email provided(I have only filled w/garbage like

I'm thinking(if memory serves) that you can do it from an external DB with only user/pass and Moodle will prompt for missing info(state, country, email, eye color, whatever the "required" is) at login. I would have to test to be sure.

In reply to Jérôme Charaoui

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Brian Pool -
If you modify the uploadusers.php file in the admin folder you can take out the e-mail requirement. Why you ask would anyone do that. Well, I don't know there e-mail addresses!

I use a weekly export from our DA site to create a file of all students, in all classes, with all their personal data. I do a weekly upload so the Moodle always has the current addresses, contacts, course lists... for the teachers (locked from student view.)

I made uploadusers user the idnumber instead of the shortname, so that it would link right into the export from SIS. I also have it adding the course sections (groups) for the teachers and populating them automatically. They can still make their own groups, but the course sections are already there for them.

If you don't know how... to remove e-mail go to

$required = array("username" => 1,
"password" => !$createpassword,
"firstname" => 1,
"lastname" => 1,
"email" => 1);

and change to

$required = array("username" => 1,
"password" => !$createpassword,
"firstname" => 1,
"lastname" => 1);
// "email" => 1);

Just commenter out the requirement...

I can send you my whole file if you want. I also took out 5 courses in the upload and made it one as my export does 1 line per student per course.


FYI, by doing this you will not overwrite existing users e-mail addresses that they have setup. Otherwise you will overwrite them!

In reply to Brian Pool

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by vinayak joshi -
Hi Brian

I want to do something opposite but am completely stuck. I am using Moodle 1.9 and want to send a welcome email to all users that I upload through a csv file. How do I do that? Any help will be appreciated.

In reply to vinayak joshi

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Harsha Prabhu -
Hi Vinayak

I have same requirement,how to send email to each uploaded users.Your post is more than one year old so u might have solved this issue please help me if u can
In reply to Brian Pool

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Mel Ausman -
I have looked into the files you mentioned and I cannot find the information you have above. I have the exact file name but not the code within the file? I am using moodle 1.9. ??
I have a list of students from our school server with ids,names and grade (6, 7th, 8th) without any email addresses. How would I get this in.
In reply to Dr S Bhatia

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Davonna Willits -
What if you just want to update with new passwords? I don't want to change the current users but want to change their passwords and I sure don't want to duplicate 3,000 students.

Thanks in advance!
In reply to Davonna Willits

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Peter Sereinigg -
You may use the User upload option in the admin area.
Read the moodle documentation, its easy to use.

First export all users and reimport them with a new password, should not dublicate your users,
test this before on a test system smile
regards Peter Sereinigg
In reply to Peter Sereinigg

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Lynne McCulloch -

I have imported a .csv file containing 238 new users, including a column for 'password', in which I entered a default password for all of these users.

I tested this and found that I could not log in as any one of these new users, as Moodle threw up an error message, sayig 'Invalid login, please try again'.

I tried re-uploading, setting it to update the password in the re-uploaded .csv file, but still received the same message.

Any ideas, please.


In reply to Lynne McCulloch

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by james mergenthaler -

I would browse the users table, so i could see the newly inserted records and what the passwords are.

login as admin - Users|Accounts|Browse List of Users.

There is a setting after moodle pre filters the importing recs and displays the qued up recs, where you can let moodle create the passwords when importing, assuming you are not migrating the old passwords.

In reply to james mergenthaler

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Doug Dillner, Ph.D. -

I am sorry, I must have misled you with my original question -- what I meant to ask is how do I install the module? Simply placing the files in the /mod directory and going to Notification seems to do nothing in the way of installing it.

In reply to Lynne McCulloch

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by John Andrewartha -

You can try ommiting the pasword field altogether.  Moodle will generate a random one.

Instruct your users to use the "recover forgotten password."


In reply to Lynne McCulloch

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Guillermo Madero -

You might check that your .csv file is an UTF-8 file. That you can usually do by opening the csv in a text editor and saving it as utf-8 encoding.


In reply to Dr S Bhatia

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by james mergenthaler -
This post is amazing. Thank you so much for the detailed example. It will inspire me to do the same when the time comes.approve
In reply to Dr S Bhatia

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Dennis Skelton -

Hi,  I am trying to upload students accounts into my course using the csv format.  Everything works except the group function.  I have my csv file with  the heading "group1" and for each students specify "Skelton1" as the group I want them placed into.  They are not placed into this group.  What am I doing wrong?

In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Dan Price -
Does importing users from a CSV file create the courses, or would I need to create them first?
In reply to Dan Price

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Iñaki Arenaza -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
You need to create them first sad

Saludos. Iñaki.
In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Brenda Last -

I have my excel file set up properly with headings and such.  The problem I am encountering is when I try to  upload my file.   I navigate to the file and choose to upload.  Moodle then asks if I want to open or save the file.   I have chosen both but it doesn't upload the file.   It just saves it or opens it in dreamweaver.    It isn't uploading.    What am I doing wrong?  Thanks ~ Brenda

In reply to Brenda Last

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Which version of Moodle are you using? Are you doing this in site admin Upload users?

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Brenda Last -

we are using Moodle 2.0 RC1 (Build: 20101020).  yes, I am trying to upload with an admin login.  i have tried an excel file and a .txt file, it does the same thing with both.  This is the dialogue box that appears when i tell it to upload.

In reply to Brenda Last

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Hi there. I suspected as much -this was a bug with earlier versions of RC1 - I suggest you upgrade to the latest version , when it will work.

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Brenda Last -

thanks for the information!

In reply to Brenda Last

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Michael Tester -

Hi ,

I'm searching for some kind of script that I can call from command line or cron , that lets me upload users and all their fields (also custom fields) or update them from a csv file .

the reason why is that i should be able to make it a task , not running it from inside moodle by logging in .

Thanks Michael

In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by dom nerus -

At my college we found solution which does the job of inputting students into groups without need of creating complicated CSV or other issues.

It is quite simple:

Example you have 10 courses with same resources but students come to college/school in morning and evening.

1. Create groups manually in only one of those courses

2. Backup that course with only "Include enrolled users" option selected

3. Restore Backup file from point 2 into other 9 courses.

4. Done (at least works at our college).

In reply to genie zydiak

Re: Using a CSV file to Import Students into Moodle

by Chriss Medina -
Hi there, I have a doubt, I want to upload several users with csv method and with generic username, pass, email, etc. So, is there a way that at first login moodle take them to edit profile page?

