Displaying Custom Course Lists

Displaying Custom Course Lists

by Mark Tyers -
Number of replies: 4
We are experimenting with having delegates from two different organisations using the same installation of Moodle. Is it possible to configure their accounts so that they can only see certain categories of courses?

For example, if someone from organisation A logs in they can only see the courses in the categories flagged as open to organisation A.

Many thanks

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In reply to Mark Tyers

Re: Displaying Custom Course Lists

by Rob Niles -

I would be very interested in this feature also.


In reply to Mark Tyers

Re: Displaying Custom Course Lists

by Tim Allen -
I think there was a hack to do this in the past whereby you could hide a category so that the users in the courses in the hidden category would see their courses but others wouldn't.

I am not sure whether this is still possible in recent versions, I think this might have been changed...mixed
In reply to Tim Allen

Re: Displaying Custom Course Lists

by Mark Tyers -
does anyone know about this, it would be very handy

maybe there is a way by using the roles in 1.7????
In reply to Mark Tyers

Re: Displaying Custom Course Lists

by Robert Brenstein -
Possible it is but not so trivial. You would need to hack all functions that deal with display of course lists and keep transferring those hacks to future Moodle releases.

I believe it is simpler to run a separate instance of Moodle for each organisation. I mean running a single server with a single instance of software but each organisation having own database and Moodle configuration. This gives more flexibility and room for growth, including options for own domains and different themes for each. The ways of configuring config.php for such a site has been discussed on moodle.org a number of times.