email all graded essays won't work

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Re: email all graded essays won't work

Mark Nielsen -
Hi James,

What version of Moodle are you using?

Mark Nielsen(e)ri erantzunda

Foroko mezu hau ezabatua izan da.

Foroko mezu honetako edukiak ezabatuak izan dira eta ez daude eskuragarri.
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Re: email all graded essays won't work

Mark Nielsen -
Hey James,

I'm having trouble tracking this one down.  First, I cannot seem to get my localhost to send emails triste  Second, I don't think the Lesson code is generating that message other than the "Email Failed!" part.  Could this be a problem with your SMTP settings?  Email one or email all uses the same code to send the emails. 

Also, another thing to check into is if one of your students has a bad or blocked email address.
