Pl. help, how to add offline marks

Pl. help, how to add offline marks

Enosha Hettiarachchi -
Atsakymų skaičius: 1


I am developing a site using moodle for a university and i am new to this.

They have a external degree progaramme and its conducted manually (offline). I need to enter students marks to this site and when then students login using there username and password they should be able to view their own results? Is this possible and if so pl. lrt me know how i can do this. and if there's a module for this pl. let me know from where I can download this.

Pl. help me, sad

Thank you


Atsakymas į Enosha Hettiarachchi

Re: Pl. help, how to add offline marks

Ross Dawson -

The moodle package comes standard with gradebook which is the functionality you're after. 

If you have already setup moodle go into one of your courses and add a new activity, there is a drop down for this once you click the "turn editing on" button, from this list select assignment. 

One of the options when you are creating an assignment is to have an offline assignment.  Once the assignment is created you can go into the grades section and assign grades to any students enrolled in the course.

Then once the students login you can publish their results to them.

The moodle documentation covers this nicely.