Undefined property

Undefined property

por Grant Dunham -
Número de respuestas: 1

I've just installed Moodle on a Linux (Red Hat 6.2) server with PHP 4.2 and MySQL.

Everything we along fine until I got to the page to define parameters for your Moodle site.  I thought I had done that properly - but then I get a page that says:
Notice: Undefined property: shortname in /home/httpd/html/moodle/admin/site.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined property: fullname in /home/httpd/html/moodle/admin/site.php on line 66"

I also get the following error message:

Front page format:

Notice: Undefined property: newsitems in /home/httpd/html/moodle/admin/site.html on line 40

I've tried changing the Site Settings in the text boxes that accompany the error messages - but to no avail.  It just returns the same error.

What did I do?


' + inobj[objprop] + '\n');

function fillmessagebox(text) {
document.form.message.value = text;

function openpopup(url,name,height,width) {
fullurl = "http://dl2.yukoncollege.yk.ca/moodle" + url;
options = "menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width="+width+",height="+height;
windowobj = window.open(fullurl,name, options);

function copyrichtext(textname) {
textname.value = document.richedit.docHtml;
return true;

function setfocus() { document.form.fullname.focus() }

// done hiding -->

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