An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Tim Hunt - ން
Number of replies: 23
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This is an idea I am copying from the Mozilla community. It is something I would like to try in the run-up to the Moodle 1.7 release. I have posted a full description on Moodle docs: Below is the brief summary copied from the wiki page. I hope that at least some of you will want to join me for this.

The idea is for some of us to get together online to do some testing on Moodle 1.7dev, so we can work out what are the key bugs to fix before the release.

If you have not been able to try it yet, this would be a good chance for you to try out some of the new Moodle 1.7 features, with friendly people around to help you get started.

My reasons for doing this are mostly selfish smile. I want as many people as possible to test the Moodle 1.7 quiz before it is released, so we can find the bugs before it is released, rather than afterwards. Also, there are over 200 open quiz bugs in the Moodle bug tracker, and I could use some help going through them and sorting them. I can't work on 200 bugs at once.

As a means of communicating, we can use the OU's FlashMeeting server, which gives us audio and video conferencing, and text chat for anyone with a web browser with the Flash plugin installed. As a fallback we can use the Quiz Forum too. And that is the other reason for doing this. I have got to know some of you a bit through the forums, and it would be nice to get to know you a bit better. (I think wink)

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In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Matt Campbell - ން
Tim, I think that this is a great idea and I'd like to help.  I'm going to run this by the instructors in our Computer Repair/Networking program and see if they'd like to make a project out of this.  If they can, then what I'll probably do is set up a 1.7 install and give them access to it, then set up a questionnaire in their regular course to log errors into.  We have students from 0730 U.S. Central Time to 10:00, so I'd pull the questionnaire the next day and post the excel file here for you to review.

Let me see what my instructors think of this and I'll get back to you.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Howard Miller - ން
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Sounds like a plan ހުއްދަ ދިނުން
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Tim Hunt - ން
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The day most people could manage is 20th September, so that is what I went for.

Details are on the wiki:, but the short version is go to at 14:30 UTC.

I hope to see lots of you then. Everyone (who wants to help) is welcome.

And I am now on holiday އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން See you all in a week or so.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Tim Hunt - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
Just a reminder that this is tomorrow. Hope to see you then.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

N Hansen - ން
I just tried Pierre's "latest head" installation and couldn't get in-some roles error popped up. Do we have another server for testing?
In reply to N Hansen

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Pierre Pichet - ން

There was a bug when updating in 1.7 version so I reload everything.

I have just done a new installation ( one hour ago) which seems to go OK when login as moodle pw: moodle.

The new role interface is not evident.

I just create the moodle user and give him the role as teacher but although he can enter in a quiz, he is not able to create question.

I have to go back and explore...

moodle teacher role has been settle and seems to go. However there is no indication on the role setting page that you changes were done.



In reply to Pierre Pichet

Re: problem with role.

Pierre Pichet - ން

As the admin I have defined the teacher role and allowed the teacher to create quiz, import question .

I tested as moodle teacher and I have created a first quiz to moodle teacher but I do not see the questions when editing the quiz although I can import ones.

As the admin I can create questions.

We seem to be stopped very early in the process of testing...

In reply to Pierre Pichet

Re: problem with role.

Tim Hunt - ން
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There was a typo in showbank.php. In fact several.

I am half way through fixing them, so it works a bit now, but not fully.

It does all work if you log in as admin, which is how I normally operate when developing and testing.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: showbank

Pierre Pichet - ން

If you put the new showbank.php on this site, I could install it on

I have set a new admin user and send to you ( and Hansen) the identification and pw with the message system. You could send it to other participants.

 I just update from moodle site and the teacher  can see the question but cannot edit.

Where do I set these permissions?

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: problem with role.

Pierre Pichet - ން

I have put a bug report ( MDL-6609) to solve the teachers problem (I solved it on



In reply to Pierre Pichet

Re: problem with role.

Tim Hunt - ން
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I did not attach the new showbank here, because I had checked it into CVS, and was hoping that was enough.

Manage XXX is shorthand for create, edit and delete. There is a single capability that covers all three.

Thanks for finding the other three misspelt capability names. I have checked those fixes into CVS too, so 1.7 dev shoud work now.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: problem with role.

N Hansen - ން
Would it be of any benefit to have a working latest 1.6+ version to test on as well? I'm just wondering whether some of the current bugs in 1.7 will prevent entirely being able to test other bugs, especially older ones?
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: problem with installation

Pierre Pichet - ން

I try to install 1.7 in a apache server and receive error messages. I had created a new bug MDL-6616 .

Also, I had to reinstall 1.7 at because I was stuck with this role problems after doing a cvs update my admin login was not further valid... 

I did not have the MDL-6616 in this case. (Windows apache PHP5, MySQL 5) 

I will try to install 1.7 in a 1.6 installation to see what will happen.

I wil update one of my moodle 1.6 and gave you the address soon.

In reply to Pierre Pichet

Re: problem with installation

Pierre Pichet - ން

I just downloaded moodle_16_stable on

there is a moodle teacher with user:moodle pw:moodle

Note: the gdlibrary is not installed.


In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Jeff Forssell - ން
Too bad everyone didn't have sound but I had fun anyhow. Nice to see the new numerical question interface.

Unfortunately FTPing 1.7 from my harddisk to SiteGround  took over 30 mins, so the meeting was over when that was done މޮޅިވެރި.  I found that I have this problem: When I try to go to the Moodle 1.7 that I put on top of a working fresh 1.6 at
I can login but I don't seem to be an administrator. There are no courses and no options! I don't know if that can be because I didn't go in an create anything in the 1.6 before copying over it.  (If I hoover over the Moodle icon it stills says 1.6. Does that get changed as a dev is being made or first when it is stable? PS: I checked at PierrePs site and there it shows 1.7, so something must have gone wrong for me.)

I'm also wondering if it would have been possible to import the 1.7 archive  as a .tar and somehow  extract it directly on the server. Is there any way to do that?
In reply to Jeff Forssell

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Pierre Pichet - ން

I had the same problem when updating to a new version of 1.7 over an older 1.7. I think that the new role could have problem for updating from previous version.

The best way is to clear everything in the database or use a new database and install 1.7 on a "virgin" site.

In reply to Jeff Forssell

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Helen Foster - ން
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I enjoyed the Quiz community testing session too. smile

Tim, please could you organise another day? tongueout
In reply to Jeff Forssell

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Tim Hunt - ން
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Yes, sorry we ran out of time.

It should be possible up upload the 1.7 zip of tgz, and uncompress in on the server, but exactly how to do that depends on your web host.

As to why an upgrade does not work. Well, it should, so it look like there are still plenty more roles bugs to sort out. It definitely does not work well until the upgrade is complete. (All the new code keeps trying to look in the database for roles and permissions information, which is not there, and very little works without roles and permissions.) So you have to go directly to the .../admin/ URL. And, when (if) the upgrade has successfully completed, you need to log out and log in again.

Expect to have to tinker a bit to get it to work, but it should only take minor tinkering, and as we get closer to the 1.7 release, it should take less and less tinkering until it just works.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

N Hansen - ން
Tim-This isn't a totally related question, but I just wanted to comment on something I found close to unethical about the Flash Meeting server. I thought it was really nice, and noticed at the beginning that it warns that one is being recorded. Now I had assumed we were being recorded for our own internal use, and I have no problem with that. However, I went to the Flash Meeting site because I was interested in the software and noticed that it said there that anyone can use Flash Meeting but by doing so that one is agreeing to them using the recordings in their research. Now, while that information is obviously available to the organizer of a Flash Meeting, they are not making that known to the participants and I find that to be a real violation of privacy and the fact that they do not spell that out explicitly to each and every person who joins a Flash meeting I find to be completely unethical. Not that I said anything I wouldn't want them to hear but it's more the principle of the matter.
In reply to N Hansen

Re: An experiment: Quiz community testing session.

Tim Hunt - ން
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I had not noticed that the privacy statements in the two places were not the same. I'm sorry about that. I am sure it is an oversight on their part, not malicous. They do give a contact email address on the flashmeeting site, it might be best if you contact them directly with your feedback.