Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Deborah Van Horn -
Número de respuestas: 10

Hello all, I have 2 questions.

1. I am creating a course that includes a number of brief lessons that use branch tables to display content in a pre-determined order, with no question pages.  It seems a little silly to display a "Congratulations" page at the end of each lesson.  Is it possible to change the "Congratulations" text to something else, perhaps instructions as to what to do next?  While we are at it, I would also remove the "view grades" link - it is confusing if the lessons aren't being graded. 

2. I was also wondering if it is possible to include a jump from the end of one lesson to the start of the next, either as a choice on the last branch table of the lesson or as a link on the congratulations page.

I am using moodle 1.5.  I am not a programmer, so I will thank you in advance for replies that don't assume that I know what I am doing.


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En respuesta a Deborah Van Horn

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Chris Collman -
Imagen de Documentation writers
Hi Deborah,
I am just leaving for a vacation/holiday. 

1. It is possible to change any word or "page" in Moodle. I believe that the congratulations is a screen.   If I have some time I will find the offending page/screen and tell you where to find it or at least change the words.  It is probably in a php file maybe moodle/mod/lesson/lesson.php.  

If you want the words to change you are going to have to be brave and learn to edit a php file. Takes a text editor or some free php editors and some searches for text.   Sorry.  I may have some time tomorrow to give you some pointers.

1b. Ditto comment about removing the grade link.  Possible but you are going to learn how to do a little programming  around text.  It is probably located in lesson.php as well.   Hey how hard can it be.  This bald guy still doesn't know how to program in php but still manages to fumble around.

2. I do similar stuff, dull branch pages with question pages at the end of every lesson just to make sure they read the material.   Remember that others may have more than just lessons in a course or even in a week/topic.   So what you are really asking is for jumps to the next activity in the logical order (just made that up).   In 1.6 you can make a lesson dependent upon another lesson.   You should check out activity locking.   This is not going to jump to the next lesson, but the next lesson will not appear until the student has finished the lesson. 

I there is a forum called Conditional Activities.  Or you can go to MoodleDocs and the activity locking page.   

I don't think I helped much. If I have time  between packing up my beach gear, I will do another followup post.  Us less than programmers need to support one another sonrisa

En respuesta a Deborah Van Horn

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Chris Collman -
Imagen de Documentation writers
1. Just fired up my Moodle 1.5.3 localhost and created a 3 page lesson, (branch, question, branch).   I did not get any congratulations message.  That would lead me to believe a setting needs to be adjusted.  But which one?

There are lesson settings, logical choice.  but nothing I switched on or off gave me a congratulations.  Note my default is to leave custom scoring on, max score 0 and min # of questions 0.   There are course settings.  See the Show Grades?  Say no.   When that says yes, a Congrats screen comes on at the end of an activity.  That solves your lesson activity issue.  But it will impact other activities in that specific course.

You are in luck, I did not spend any time finding the php file (suspect it is some type of course php file), so you can put off learning how to tweak  language that is imbedded in the  code sonrisa  

I said it before, but Moodle is used by a wide range of users.  At times I still think some things are dumb, but after I see what other people are doing, my dumb list is getting shorter.

Hope this helps.  Well off to packing my boogie board, wet suit, fishing gear and drawing up menus.

En respuesta a Chris Collman

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Deborah Van Horn -

Thanks for taking some time on your way to more important things!

I didn't mean that the "congratulations" page is silly in itself, just that from my students' perspective, it will look silly to be congratulated every few pages when they haven't even had to answer any questions.

I tried changing the course setting not to show grades, and the "congratulations" screen appears for a moment, and then you get sent automatically to the course menu.  And, you can still see your score on the quiz.  If I warn the students what is going to happen when they click "continue," I think the problem is solved.  THANKS!  smile 

The only reason I have multiple lessons for this course is that I thought it would be easier for me to develop "modules" (in the generic sense, not in the Moodle sense) that could be used across multiple courses on related topics.  I also thought it would make navigation easier for the student because the flow of the course would be obvious from the course menu page.  I am wondering if what I really want to do is to use a branch table as a table of contents for the lesson, and have all of what are now separate lessons included as branches within the "big" lesson.  Is it possible to import lesson pages into another lesson, or am I going to have to copy and paste everything?

By the way, I don't mind learning to edit a PHP file (I know how to find the files and open them in an editor), as long as someone is willing to be specific about what I need to do. 

En respuesta a Deborah Van Horn

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Chris Collman -
Imagen de Documentation writers
Well I spent 3 hours behind the drag along the human mower, found my wet suit, body boards, fishing gear, sandles, surf shoes, pulled out the Excel Maine 05 Vacation worksheets, renamed it to 06, adjusted some of the daily menus, downloaded all the bills for review with "she who must be obeyed".

Look at what happened, Steve went and did it.  I found (using my editors search and F3) "congratulations" in the lesson/view.php file along with something that looks like it "prints" that screen.   Funny, my localhost 1.5.3 must be quick because I did not even flash to the congrats page when I switched it off(wondering if your browser had some cache, I could use some on my vacation).  Typical Moodle Forum php code yak, one person says one general thing and somebody else (Steve could be right too) says something different.   sonrisa

My opinion is that your thinking is good about breaking up lessons.   Deleting pages is not my idea of fun.  When you get to 1.6, you can save or import just a particular lesson into another course.   Thanks to someone else I just discovered the activity linking filter for a Moodle site.   A lesson is an activity.   So if you wanted them to be able to refer to a section on "Surf", it would be easier to have a lesson called Surf, rather than send them to the Ocean Lesson and then pick out the Surf branch.  

Now where did I put my special surfing hat that keeps the Bear Head from burning to a crisp when I am in the water?
En respuesta a Deborah Van Horn

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Steve Bilton -
Hi Deborah,

An easy way to change the congratulations text is to find the file called lesson.php found  in the language folder of your moodle in: \lang\en_utf8 directory or \lang\en
You can use an FTP program for this, or File Manager in Cpanel.

Transfer the file called lesson.php to your workstation computer. - don't forget to re-upload this in the same place later......
Open the file called lesson.php , prefferably using a program such as dreamweaver, but a text editor like word pad will do.

do a search and find the text - congratulations . (you can hold ctrl and press f to get the find function up on screen easily)... the line will look like this:
on around line 50.

$string['congratulations'] = 'Congratulations - end of lesson reached';

You can simply delete the text in between the quotation marks ' ' or replace it with something like:
$string['congratulations'] = 'end of lesson';

Don't forget to re upload this file again in the same directory, i use an FTP program to do this, but you can also use 'File manager' in 'Cpanel' or some other host file manager interface.

Getting rid of the View Grades button is beyound me and i have been told it will take a lot of adjusting of the code to remove it. I think this might be found in continue.php, but i can't remember...

 Although, you can always do the same as before - find the text - view grades , in the language file. and delete the text within the quotations or replace the text with a full stop '.' , that worked enough for me, a blank button will appear, people are less likely to push a button with no text on it .

For jumping to the next lesson you can click on the lesson you wish to modify. click on the update / edit short cut button (looks like a hand with pencil in it)
then find the part that says jump to: like this
Jump 1: This page Next page End of lesson Health and safety foundations 1.4 Common safety terminology Question 1.1 Question 1.2 1.5 The moral, legal and financial arguments for maintaining good standards of health and safety The legal arguments for maintaining good standards of health and safety Question 1.3 Question 1.4 The employer's common law and statutory duties Criminal liabilities Civil liabilities Question 1.5 Application & Key differences between Criminal and Civil Law Question 1.6 Question 1.7 1.5.3 The financial arguments for maintaining good standards of health and safety Question 1.8 1.6 The legal framework for regulating health and safety 1.6.1 The role of the European Union in harmonising standards of health and safety 1.6.2 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other health and safety regulations Other key regulations Question 1.9 Jump

From the drop down menu you can select a lesson for the page to jump to after this lesson has been compeleted. Before this if you create another lesson first you will be able to find it listed in this drop down menu, click on that lesson and then click the update button at the bottom of the page.

I hope i helped Deborah, i'm no PHP expert either but this works for me.
Just post back if it gets confusing..

Steve B
En respuesta a Steve Bilton

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Deborah Van Horn -

Hi Steve, it looks like you posted while I was testing out some other ideas and typing.  I appreciate your detailed reply.  Every time I get so frustrated I am about ready to give up, someone really helpful comes along.  Hopefully one of these days I will have enough of a clue to answer a question or 2 instead of always asking.

En respuesta a Steve Bilton

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Steve Bilton -

Very sorry deborah it seems i copied my drop down tab of jump 1: and i the text editor has copied my lesson units i have in that course, sorry to confuse you, my silly mistake, what a daft lad i am.. clown... It didn't look like that before i pressed the post to forum button.

but i'm sure you get the idea anyway.

from this you can guess i have a Health and Safety Course on my Moodle... big grin

Steve B

EDIT: After i've said this i notice your reply already.
I'm really glad i've been helpful, i mainly ask questions too, i'm far from a Moodle Expert... but i've done this sort of thing before and understand how you can get frustrated. I actually created an Exam using lesson as the template. I had to get rid of all your grade is this type messages which are represented by
: $a in the lang file.

so i copied the original and commented it out with // before the line and put my own line in below it, like this below:

//$string['yourcurrentgradeis'] = 'Your current grade is $a';
changed to
$string['yourcurrentgradeis'] = '';

So nothing was displayed instead or something else!! Where the $a is the question score is put in.

heres a few more that i changed for examples they might give you some idea how to changed your messages if you wish:

//$string['ongoingnormal'] = 'You have answered $a->correct question(s) correctly out of $a->viewed question(s).';

changed to

$string['ongoingnormal'] = 'You have answered $a->viewed question(s).';

//$string['displayscorewithessays'] = 'You earned $a->score out of $a->tempmaxgrade for the automatically graded questions.<br>Your $a->essayquestions essay question(s) will be graded and added<br />into your final score at a later date.<br /><br />Your current grade without the essay question(s) is $a->score out of $a->grade';

changed to

$string['displayscorewithessays'] = 'Your tutor will mark your exam and your final grades Grades will be updated within 48 hours';
//$string['displayscorewithoutessays'] = 'Your score is $a->score (out of $a->grade).';

changed to

$string['displayscorewithoutessays'] = '';

anyway that might give you some ideas.....

Good luck

Steve B
En respuesta a Steve Bilton

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Chris Collman -
Imagen de Documentation writers
Go Steve Go !
Lots of ideas, not very daft at all. 

Steve knows this, but  new users should note these changes impact all of Moodle.  It would take some fancy code work to make any of the given changes, teacher specific. 


En respuesta a Steve Bilton

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Dan Hilke -
I know I'm about a month late... but I was just reading this as I searched for an answer to another question of my own.  I thought I'd point out what looks to me like a much easier way to accomplish the first part of Steve's directions (changing the $string['congratulations']).

If you click on the Admin link, or the "Configuration" link in the Admin menu, and then click on "Language" in the menu now displayed, you should see 3 links, including "Edit strings".

By clicking on "Edit strings" you have access to change all the kinds of text strings like this.  In this case, the string is in the "lesson.php" file, so you have to click on that to get the list of strings for that file.  Scrolling down a little way, you'll see "congratulations" on the left, and to the right you should be able to type whatever you want to change it to.  Hit the save button at the bottom of the page, and it should be all set!

If the right-hand column doesn't have changeable fields, then look for a small-print message near the top of the string list, talking about file permissions.  It's possible that file permissions must be changed on the server long enough to make these edits; but that's still much easier than searching for strings in php files and editing/uploading.  Am I wrong?

Hope this helps someone...
En respuesta a Dan Hilke

Re: Change text of "Congratulations" page? Jump to start of next lesson?

de Joseph Rézeau -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
Dan > ...that's still much easier than searching for strings in php files and editing/uploading.  Am I wrong?

No, Dan, you're not wrong. Editing language strings in Admin/Language is the "correct" way to go!cool Thanks for reminding us.
