1.6 beta 5 - database migration problems...

1.6 beta 5 - database migration problems...

par Mike Strong,
Nombre de réponses : 3
Using the database migration tool - it always hangs on record 20.  I can resume, but it will just sit there at record 20.  Anyone else having database migration problems.  Solutions?

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En réponse à Mike Strong

Re: 1.6 beta 5 - database migration problems...

par Yu Zhang,
Hi Mike,

What table is it? And can you describe what do you mean by hangs? How long have to waited?



En réponse à Mike Strong

Re: 1.6 beta 5 - database migration problems...

par Mike Strong,

It was a "groups" bug with the migration.  I deleted all the set groups, and the migration proceeded to completion.



En réponse à Mike Strong

Re: 1.6 beta 5 - database migration problems...

par Matt Bostdorff,
I'm trying to migrate my database to 1.7.1 and it hangs as well.  Each time I go back to the admin page it looks as though the migration never took place.  I restart the migration and it claims it's "picking up where it left off."  Then it hangs again.  Each time it appears to hang on a different tabel or record.