More than one cluster?

Jump to unseen question

Alan Cooper
Number of replies: 0
Thanks Chris,
    Here's the problem I find with jump to unseen question.

If all questions in a cluster have jumps on correct answer going to end of cluster and on incorrect going to an unseen question in the cluster, then it seems reasonable that a student who has tried them all should be sent to the end of cluster. This is in fact what happens on the first run through the cluster, but if a student enters the cluster a second time in the same run through the lesson, then once all of the questions have been seen, the jump to unseen question just produces a page with no title, no content, and no 'continue' button.

There's no problem backing up and either choosing another branch or re-starting the lesson, but students are easily disconcerted by what looks like a crash, so I placed a warning page just before the end of branch telling them not to re-enter that same branch again.
