How to find a link to specific topic within course?

Re: How to find a link to specific topic within course?

Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Vastausten määrä: 1
Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers Kuva: Translators
Are you all talking about links like mysite/course/view.php?id=684#section-2? I was going to say that such links took me to section 2 of course 684 as long as I can remember.

Now I checked the Mount Orange School. There the sections have links like mysite/course/section.php?id=550. Seriously? Do you really mean since 4.2 or later the mysite/course/view.php?id=684#section-2 is passé?
Vastaus Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: How to find a link to specific topic within course?

Mary Cooch -
Kuva: Documentation writers Kuva: Moodle HQ Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers Kuva: Testers Kuva: Translators
It's not passé as such - Helen added a note in the 4.4 Upgrading notes - the bit about Course section pages:

A new section page displays the contents of an individual course section. Section names in the course page link to section pages. Any manually added section links of the form course/view.php?id=xx#section-z will continue working, linking to course page anchors.

Arviointien keskiarvo:Useful (2)