SubCourses and Permissions-Hiding Sub-Courses

SubCourses and Permissions-Hiding Sub-Courses

от John Gourlay -
Number of replies: 2

I am using Moodle 4.1.1, the SubCourse Plugin, Adaptable Theme, and Tiles w/overlay (not Categories) with Enrolled Courses, followed by List of Courses on the Home Page.

I have a course category structure like:

Category System Level

     Category Level 1 (Program)

          Category Level 2 (Sub-Courses-Empty except for Category Level 3…)

               Category Level 3 (Modules-Courses on a topic to be shared across programs)

I have courses consisting of a single topic that can be shared across Programs contained at Category Level 3, so I only have to maintain them in one place but can use them in many Programs.

The topics are set up with a course meta link to the programs so a student registered in the Program Course is automagically registered in the shared topic.

Within the appropriate topic in the Program, a SubCourse (Referenced Course) points to the shared topic at Category Level 3.

I have both Category Level 2 and 3 hidden, and have the following permissions set on them:

I would have thought this meant that the SubCourses or shared topics would not appear on the Home Page or Courses Page as standalone courses for students, on top of the Program Courses they were contained with in. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Or is this a feature…😉

I set up the category structure thinking that Moodle would only display up to level 2 (the default) but it doesn't appear to honour that when using tiles...
