Hint before answering in Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type

Hint before answering in Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type

por Paula Immonen -
Number of replies: 1

is it possible to give a hint (which reduces points) before giving the answer in a cloze-type question?

Like here:

The task above is STACK-type question, but I would like to implement giving a tip in a similar way in a cloze-type question, if it is somehow possible.

The question above is implemented like this:

    <questiontext format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Derive the function \[g(x)={@f2@}.\]</p>

        <p style="text-align:center"><a href="#" id="deriv2-show-step">Show hint (-0.33p)</a></p>
        <div id="deriv2-step" style="display:none;opacity:0.7">
            <p> \[\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}x^a = ax^{a-1}.\]</p>
            \[g(x) = x^{@b1@} + x^{\frac{1}{2}} + {@b4@}x^{{@-b5@}}+{@a3@}\]
            \[g'(x) = {@b1@}x^{@b1-1@} + \ldots\]

        <p>\( g'(x)= \) input:ans1</p>

        <div style="display:none;">input:deriv2_stepstatevalidation:deriv2_stepstate</div>
    (function() {<br /><br />        function stepify(prefix) {<br />            var stepState = document.querySelector("input[id*='" + prefix + "_stepstate']");<br />            var stepShower = document.querySelector("#" + prefix + "-show-step");<br />            var stepEl = document.querySelector("#" + prefix + "-step");<br /><br />            stepState.value = stepState.value === "" ? "false" : stepState.value;<br />            stepShower.addEventListener("click", showStep);<br /><br />            if (stepState.value === "true") {<br />                stepShower.style.display = "none";<br />                stepEl.style.display = "block";<br />            }

            function showStep(e) {<br />                e.preventDefault();<br />                e.target.style.display = "none";<br />                stepEl.style.display = "block";<br />                stepState.value = "true";<br />            }



Version 4.1 of Moodle is used
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Paula Immonen

Re: Hint before answering in Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type

por Marcus Green -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers Imaxe de Testers
The interactive with multiple attempts question behaviour allows an arbitrary number of hints after a first submission with a settable penalty for each attempt.
Average of ratings:Useful (2)