Unifying mod_certificate folders

Unifying mod_certificate folders

Pedro Gago - ން
Number of replies: 1

we use the mod_certificate extension to generate certificates. The issue is that its installation is a bit scattered: we have the certificate.php files in the /srv/moodle/application/mod/certificate/type/<certificate_type> folder while we have the image files (watermarks, frames, etc.) in the /srv/moodle/application-data/mod/certificate/pix folder.

Is this division natural? For maintenance purposes, it seems easier if everything hangs in one place. I've looked at the extension configuration but I don't see anything about it.

Does anyone know the folder structure and can give me some advice?



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In reply to Pedro Gago

Re: Unifying mod_certificate folders

Mark Nelson - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
That plugin is no longer maintained. As to whether the images should be with each certificate type is another discussion. I think since they can be used in multiple types they should have a separate folder instead of "belonging" to one in particular.