403 forbidden error

Re: 403 forbidden error

by Ken Task -
Number of replies: 0
Immàgine de Particularly helpful Moodlers
Looks like you've mixed files/folders - some moodle code ... many are not.
In cPanel, do a search for something unique to moodle code ... config-dist.php file comes to mind.    If found, you might find more than one (I see a moodle3.1 directory in screen shot), note the directory that it is in.    Look in that directory for a version.php file.   View that file and it will show version of Moodle code.

In other words, you have a mess ... since the site appears to be pointed to public_html (document root for hosting), no browser can find an index.php file - thus you get 403 forbidden because your apache server will not show raw directory listings.

'SoS', Ken