How to add student Annotation features to Amanote

How to add student Annotation features to Amanote

by Leonard Cheeseborough -
Number of replies: 1
I have added the Amanote plugin for Moodle 4.0 for students annotation but it is limited for my strategy.  It does not allow me to add rectangles around words, squares around words and circles around words.  Please see example below

Do you have a work around for adding rectangles, squares, circles arounds words the existing Amanote plugin Moodle 4.0?
Attachment sample1.jpeg
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In reply to Leonard Cheeseborough

Re: How to add student Annotation features to Amanote

by Maryam bnhhu -

Unfortunately, the Amanote plugin for Moodle 4.0 does not currently support adding rectangles, squares, or circles around words directly within the annotation feature. However, you might consider a workaround by using external annotation tools that offer these functionalities and then importing the annotated documents back into Moodle.

One option could be using PDF annotation software like Adobe Acrobat or PDF-XChange Editor, which allow you to add shapes such as rectangles, squares, and circles around words within PDF documents. After annotating the document, you can save it and then upload it to Moodle for your students to access.

Another workaround could involve using image editing software like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to annotate screenshots of the text with the desired shapes. Once you've added the annotations, you can save the imand then upload them to Moodle.

While these workarounds may require additional steps, they can provide a solution until the Amanote plugin or Moodle itself incorporates the desired annotation features.  alight motion no watermark