Editor preview

Editor preview

by Seth Martin -
Number of replies: 8

I imagine this has been suggested before, but I can't find anything about it in the forums or the issue tracker. I wish that there was a way to preview what is entered in the editor on the same screen as the editor. Currently, using the Atto editor you have some idea of what a quiz question will look like within the editor, but math doesn't render in the editor, for example, and items like drop-down menus and cloze questions don't give you any idea of what they look like within the editor. The only way to see the final result is to finish the question, save and display it, and if changes need to be made, you have to reopen the question for editing. This can be really cumbersome.

I have two big wishes for Moodle's text editing. First, I wish there was a way to preview text without saving and closing the item, dipslaying it, and then reopening the item for editing if there are issues. Second, I wish Markdown was more thoroughly integrated. Using html is way to verbose. Look at stackexchange.com as an example of a Markdown editor that is robust, user-friendly, and provides a real-time preview of the output.

Average of ratings;Useful (2)
In reply to Seth Martin

Re: Editor preview

by Dominique Bauer -
Hello Seth,

Regarding your first point, you can use the Preview command located just below the "Save changes and continue editing" button.
In reply to Seth Martin

Re: Editor preview

by Dominique Bauer -
Hello Seth,

Regarding your second point, MoodleDocs uses the MediaWiki markup language which is similar to Markdown. These are lightweight languages best suited for simple contents. Although it does not, the Moodle forums could use such simplified languages.

However, it would not be a good use for Moodle questions because these languages are too restricted. There are many formating things these languages can not do, and they have this huge problem that they are not HTML smile, meaning that you can not work with them unless you parse them which is unrealistic if at all possible. So Markdown is ok for forums and the like, but definitely not for Moodle questions.
In reply to Dominique Bauer

Re: Editor preview

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Moodle HQ team
You can preview Marklar https://moodle.org/plugins/editor_marklar on here if you go to Preferences >Editor preferences. (I notice in another post you said you hadn't yet tried it Seth)
Average of ratings;Useful (3)
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Editor preview

by Dominique Bauer -

I was not aware of that plugin. It definitely should satisfy Seth's preference for a simple editor. smile
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Editor preview

by Przemek Kaszubski -
Marklar is quite good, indeed. It's used a lot by some of our computer science teachers.
Average of ratings;Useful (1)
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Editor preview

by Seth Martin -
Unfortunately the company that administers our Moodle instance won't enable Marklar. They are very particular about plugins. I also would note that even Marklar doesn't provide the preview on the same screen; you still must toggle between views.
In reply to Dominique Bauer

Re: Editor preview

by Seth Martin -
Hi Dominique,

We just upgraded to Moodle v4, but we don't seem to have the Preview command. I wonder if there is a setting that our site admin needs to enable. Any ideas?

I see what you mean as far as the limited nature of markup languages. I don't know anything about the backend(s) that parses the different types of Moodle questions, and I understand that this might be a technically very challenging thing to do, but I simply wanted to highlight that as an instructor, this type of feature could be an extreme improvement when constructing quizes and lessons. I assumed this forum was for UX suggestions, so I thought I would share the idea. Perhaps for a future major release, an overhaul of the question parsing engine could allow for a feature like this?