Creating a role that can search "All courses"

Creating a role that can search "All courses"

Steven Pitteman -
Колькасьць адказаў: 0


We have teacher-coaches that should be able to search and enroll in any course they desire.
However, the only way I can make the search work is by allowing them to "moodle/category:manage" (which is a bridge to far).
If I don't allow this, any attempt to search for a course produces a 303-status code....

Searching as admin produces the following URL:
/course/management.php?search=test AND gives the found courses...

As one of the roles we used to use, it redirects to:

/course/index.php?categoryid=1 AND shows nothing at all...
Console points out that a GET "/course/management.php?search=test" request was sent, however this returned a "Status Code: 303 See Other"

Weirdly enough, it's only the search that is acting up, the "observer"-role we implemented allows the user to browse all courses ("/course/index.php"), but with a few thousand courses, this isn't really handy...

Any advice?


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