Customized language packages issues

Customized language packages issues

autor Carolina Blackman -
Počet odpovědí: 4

Hey there!

I'm having an issue with language packages, I customized Spanish (International Spanish), and some of the customized strings doen't show the changes even if I have been purging caches.

The only string that doen't show the change is the "Site Announcements" name. I even change it in english for the spanish name but the change it doen't reflex in my site. Do you know how can I fix it?

Moodle 3.11.6

Průměr hodnocení: -
V odpovědi na Carolina Blackman

Re: Customized language packages issues

autor Joost Elshoff -
Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázek: Testers
Hi Carolina,

This is probably due to the fact that the Site Announcements is actually an activity name for a Forum, not truly a language string. The only way to change the name of the Site announcements forum, is the following:

Go to Site home
Go to the bit where you added the Site Announcements forum
Either create a new post, or view one of the earlier ones, so the path to the Site announcements forum appears in the breadcrumbs
Go up one level by clicking on the Site announcements link in the breadcrumbs
Go to cogwheel > Edit settings to change the forum name

Tried and tested that, and it works...

(also experienced the frustration of not being able to find the solution to this challenge).
V odpovědi na Carolina Blackman

Re: Customized language packages issues

autor Ken Task -
Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers

May or may not apply, but noticed in a 3.11.highest, my language customizations ended up in moodledata/lang/en_local/ (yours would have something different) and the additions/changes were in a file.

[root@sos lang]# ls -lR
total 4
drwxrwsrwx. 2 apache apache 4096 Aug 29  2021 en_local

total 4
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 apache apache 1185 Aug 29  2021 admin.php

admin.php looked to be a true moodle file with header and the following:

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$string['updateavailable'] = 'There is a newer Moodle version available! <a href="https://server/moodle311/admin/environment.php" target="_new">Check Environment</a> |
<a href="" target="_new">Site Backup</a>';

'SoS', Ken