Additional line breaks and the editor doesn't show them

Re: Additional line breaks and the editor doesn't show them

Mary Parke - මගින්
Number of replies: 0
Hi Ralf,

We're encountering this problem too. We use version 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 (2 servers) and are experiencing Moodle either:

1) adding <br> to copied and pasted text but not showing them in the code view
2) when we manually edit them (remove these breaks) in the WYSIWYG view, they're still there (Moodle puts them back) - and even after we switch to the code view they're still there (even after saving our previously edited work).

Now, I realize if you copy and paste text from the web you pick up inherited coding - which we've edited. But then the Moodle editor goes and throws in <br> in middle of paragraphs or text just randomly. And, the Moodle editor often does not put in the </br> tags (another issue - it doesn't always close it's tags when working in the WYSIWYG editor and then viewing in the code view - they're not there).

And this isn't just in the quiz module. It's appearing in the Activity --> create a web page editor as well.

Basically, this is what my sys admin stated (and he knows what he's talking about):

"1. I paste HTML into the code view.
2. I update some little piece of text (e.g., a typo) in the GUI view.
3. The system REPROGRAMS my HTML and screws everything up."

And he uses BBEdit to copy and paste code to the Moodle GUI code view in the editor.

We haven't figured out a fix yet and believe it's a verifiable bug. We're searching for other users with similar problems to see if anyone has figured this out yet.

- Mary

ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම්වල සාමාන්යය: -