Course Overview Missing form disk

Course Overview Missing form disk

von Sunandar Prawira -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

Hello, please help me.

 I just upgraded my moodle to 3.9. but there is a missing course overview from disk.

course overview missing

Then because the course overview is missing, I can't reset the dashboard page to default, when it's reset there is an error like this:

Dashboard error

I'm really confused what to do, this course overview plugin disappears from the /blocks directory and when I copy from backup to /block it still doesn't run.

Please help me.

Als Antwort auf Sunandar Prawira

Re: Course Overview Missing form disk

von Sunandar Prawira -

My solution is: uninstall the myoverview block even if it is missing from disk and then try upgrade again ... it should work