External Backpack

External Backpack

by Heather P -
Number of replies: 2
Particularly helpful Moodlers колдонуучунун сүрөтү

What version of Moodle did they make it possible to add a new external backpack? I can see it in the help files against Moodle 3.10 and 3.11.

I know we tried to add a back pack some time ago and at that point you could not add a European location - there was only the American one available.

I thought it was time to revisit it,

We are currently on Moodle version 3.10.7 (build 20210924) and we still don't have the manage backpack option.

I've got backpack settings but without the manage I can't actually add a backpack that is any use to us, we still only have the American site available and cannot add others.

Am I still on too old a version, or has something gone wrong and I should be able to see it?

Thank you.


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In reply to Heather P

Re: External Backpack

by Mary Cooch -
Documentation writers колдонуучунун сүрөтү Moodle HQ колдонуучунун сүрөтү Particularly helpful Moodlers колдонуучунун сүрөтү Testers колдонуучунун сүрөтү Translators колдонуучунун сүрөтү
Do you definitely have External backpack connection enabled (ticked) on Site administration > Badges > Badges settings? I assume you do but just double checking.
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: External Backpack

by Heather P -
Particularly helpful Moodlers колдонуучунун сүрөтү
Makes no difference to whether I can add a new one or not. I've tried both ways still only got the American site and can't add a new one.
Thank you