External database authentication

External database authentication

- Helder Pereira の投稿
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Hello, I know I'm gona get waked in the head because this is not the place to post, but I tried in the Authentication forum to no avail so I I'm looking for help here. 

I'm running Moodle 3.9 on a Oracle Database.

I am trying to implement "External database authentication". I've configured everything as explained in the documentation. The task get's user to create, but I keep getting the error "Error creating user XXXXX" and nothing more.

I'm reaching for help to know if anyone can direct me to where can I look to get more info about the error, since it's so vague I cannot understand what might be wrong.

I already run the task by hand, with the --showsql --showdebugging flags, I get every query the task uses, but the error is the same, "Error creating user XXXXX" and nothing more. No codes, no extra info to give a hint on what could be the problem...

I do not see anything in the Moodle logs. Also the query returned by the --showsql flag is only the select query's no insert show up in that log. 

Thanks in advance.