weird exam link problem

weird exam link problem

John Edmiston-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 0

VERSION: Moodle 3.11.4 running on Rocky Linux (similar to Centos)

ISSUE:  Link not visible or usable for exams - see below.

I have exams that are only accessible once someone pays via Paypal to do the exam.

There is one link to the exam and below it is a link to pay with Paypal. The students first pay with Paypal, then they go back and do the exam which becomes accessible as soon as they have paid. .

However the link to the exam seems not to work for some students - even when they have paid.

I did a Zoom "share screen" with a student this morning, she did not "see " the link, hovering over the link did nothing, and the link was unable to be clicked (despite the fact that she has paid the fees).

Clicking on the link and hovering over the link works for me.  However it did not work for this student (who was using Google Chrome on a Chromebook).

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? (We tried clearing cache).

Thanks in advance.

john Edmiston

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