What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi William Lu -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 10
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers

In the student's grade report view (when a student is checking his Assignment grade), they can see an empty 'Feedback' column.

As a teacher, we can add 'Feedback comments' and 'Feedback files', but what is the 'Feedback'? 

Of course, a teacher can simply hide the 'no-meaning and useless' column in the Teacher's User report setting page.

I am still curious to know what the column for? ---Because students asked me buồn

I tested in Moodle 3X.


Để phản hồi tới William Lu

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi Davo Smith -
Hình của Core developers Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers Hình của Peer reviewers Hình của Plugin developers
Any activities that allow text feedback to be entered can choose to fill in that column.

I'm not sure if any plugin other than 'assignment' actually uses this, but if you give text feedback in an assignment it should show up here.
Để phản hồi tới Davo Smith

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi William Lu -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers
Hi Davo,

Thank you very much for tidying up my posts.

I did enter feedback for students and wish it could be shown in this column, however, in the student's view, the column is empty.

Below is the teacher's view, with feedbacks.

Below is the Assignment settings

Can anyone post a screenshot which is showing Feedbacks in the column?

Để phản hồi tới William Lu

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi John Provasnik -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers Hình của Testers
The text you type in the "Feedback comments" in the Assignment module definitely is what pushes to the "Feedback column" of the userreport or graderreport. You may have to check your settings for the assignment regarding when grades are released. The Feedback column also displays any text typed into the Override Box of the single view:

Để phản hồi tới John Provasnik

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi William Lu -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers
Thank you John,
The Feedback column also displays any text typed into the Override Box.
Yes, the feedbacks are showing on my Moodle if I checked the Override checkbox and entered text into the text field.

Thank you very much for your help.

However, the "Feedback comments" still not showing in the column. I am wondering: Which one has the priority in the column if both the "Feedback comments" and the "Feedback in Single view".

Could you please guide me on how to show the Feedback comments in this column, with a screenshot? I've checked my Assignment settings and permissions in this course, no clue yet.

It will be good if you could make the "Feedback comments" and the "Feedback in Single view" show in the column for one student at the same time. 
Để phản hồi tới William Lu

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi John Provasnik -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers Hình của Testers
Overrides in the singleview/grader report get the priority when the override box is checked - the override will stop any new grade or feedback coming from the activity directly. I tend to use this when students transfer from one class to another, I'll use the overrides to put in some of their previous grades since it's much faster than opening each relevant activity individually!

Do you happen to have grading workflow enabled, or, in the gradebook setup have the activity "Locked"? The default assignment settings allow the feedback to go to the gradebook, so I'm not sure what combination of settings may be preventing that other than the grading workflow or a lock of the activity in the gradebook setup, but here is what mine are set to:

Availability -- nothing enabled
Submission types -- file submission and online text
Feedback types -- feedback comments
Submission settings - No, No, Never
Group submission settings - No
Grade - Simple direct grading*, No Blind Grading, No Hide grader identity, No User grading workflow.
*Note when using rubrics or Grading guides, the feedback at the criterion level will not display in the gradebook, only what's in the Feedback Comments box
Để phản hồi tới John Provasnik

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi William Lu -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers
Thank you, John.

I removed the override:

Checked the grade item is not locked.

And checked all settings as you directed.

However, my Feedback comments 

Still not showing in the student's view:

Để phản hồi tới William Lu

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi John Provasnik -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers Hình của Testers
I'm at a loss here because your grade is going through so I've not seen where the grade goes through but not the feedback.... can you temporarily change your theme to see if it's an issue here (if it's not one of the core ones), or go into your browser developer tools to see if there is any CSS causing that field to not display? i assume you're on a newer Moodle instance from your screenshots, but this was an issue somewhere back in the 2.0s

Để phản hồi tới William Lu

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi John Provasnik -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers Hình của Testers
another thought -- navigate to Site administration - Plugins - Activity modules - Assignment - Assignment settings

"Feedback plugin" is the first setting -- what do you have set for this? "Feedback comments" is the only one of the dropdown list that actually works per MDL-57780

Để phản hồi tới John Provasnik

Re: What does the empty 'Feedback" column for? and what is it?

Bởi William Lu -
Hình của Particularly helpful Moodlers
Yes, yes, John,

I wasn't in the right one:

Changed back to default and works beautifully now.😀

You made my day. It is a sunny NZ autumn day 😎

Thank you very much, your prompt and patient help are very much appreciated.